Annual Meeting, Jan 28!

The annual meeting of the HHCO will be held January 28th at 7:30 pm at the Straughan residence – 18430 NE 194th Street. The agenda will include: election of officers; budget review; entrance renovation update; mailbox shed improvement summary; discussion of social events and safety concerns; web site development; other discussion. The HHCO Board looks forward to seeing you and getting your input on our neighborhood.

Halloween a Success!

Lynda and Larry Becher once again hosted the Halloween BBQ. We had lots of residents stop in and visit while enjoying a bowl of chili, hot dogs and hot cider before the ‘trick or treating’ began. Thanks so much to the Bechers for continuing to support the Huntington Highlands Community Organization so that we can have this fun evening. The portable fire-bowl in the driveway was an extremely nice touch!

(Sorry, this is actually a photo from 2008… we’ll get some newer photos soon.)

Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange

The Ladies Holiday Gift exchange was a delightful evening. We had about twenty neighbor ladies join in for a fun-filled evening of great food and the ever-exciting gift exchange. Trisha Albrecht was our hostess and her home looked so lovely all decked out for the season. Thank you Trisha, for a great holiday get-together.

Laura Ullman has volunteered to host the Ladies Holiday Gift exchange in 2010!