2014 HHCO Annual Meeting

2014 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – March 10th, 2014


  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan Co -president
    • David Blatner – Co- president
    • Jeanne Marcil – Social
    • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
    • Lynn Kepl – Secretary
  • Community attendees:
    • Tom and Elaine Pool
    • Robin Godfrey
    • Rowan and Jan Clark
    • Jennifer and Matt Johnson
    • Pam Logsdon
    • Betty Stack
    • Pete and Margie Fortman
    • Dave Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:18 PM

Welcome by Carol Straughan

Budget Presentation – Susan Sodorff

  • 2013 Balance Forward $1383
  • Collecting dues for 2014 $6900, which brings us to total $8283
    • Entrance Mowing, Maintenance, $1000
    • Entrance signage lettering, $2300
    • Social events, $1000
    • Administration fees $200
    • Lawyer funds in reserve in the event the board needs council $700
    • Home owners association insurance $1100
    • Reserve is $600.
  • Total Expenses are $6900
  • Remaining Balance is $1383

Entrance Update – Dave Straughan

  • How many households – 71 homes (69 pay dues) as now both sides of the entrance pay for electrical and water.
  • Dave was the originator of bid generation and managed the work done. Thank you to David for making our community look fabulous!
    • The bid the board decided upon was under 8k from the other bids. The firm did not charge us overages and everything turned out as expected.
    • The board agreed to hold off on lettering to put funds available into the entrance. The lettering will be done in 2014 with this year’s dues.
    • Bids on lettering were for brass lettering ($2300) to acrylic. The board will likely select brushed aluminum with gold tone to save costs. Or painted acrylic however the brass and acrylic do not wear as well.
    • Board believes we will select brushed aluminum is in the middle cost and about $1800.
    • The board opted for low maintenance plants.
    • If there are funds available at the end of year the board will invest in up-lights on the remaining trees in the entrance and one additional length of fence on each side. Or, will wait until 2015 funds are available.
    • The trees in the entrance will grow rapidly after 2 years planting (filling out).
    • We now have a classy, low maintenance entrance.
  • We need to have someone spray and moss out the walkway. Rowan volunteered to get rid of the moss, will bill the HHCO board for the product used.

Contractor list will have the masonry and the landscaper added and are listed below.

  • Masonry: Ward & Sons, 206.579.5919
  • Landscape: Badgley’s landscape, 425.486.6290
  • Mole control: Taliprid – worms for mole holes/moles can be found on the internet

Insurance – David Blatner
The board has decided to pursue Insurance for HHCO association and the Board. The intent is to protect the entrance and assets of the community. The board should also have insurance therefore the board felt we need to invest to protect the board. Insurance will cover liability for common property such as entrance and rounds. Cost is about $1100 a year through State Farm insurance.

Blog page/Website – David Blatner
Last year we took off the password protection as no one could remember it. The URL: HuntingtonHighlands.org

  • Recommended contractor services are listed on the site
  • There is a map with the ability to email neighbors based on the property physical location
  • David will start an all HHCO mailing list with google groups and let the HHCO households know how to use it. If households do not want to their name on the distribution list, they can unsubscribe
  • David will publish guidelines / rules when this is offered such that we omit marketing and non HHCO related email/publishings

Social Events – Jeannie Marcil

  • Thank you to Lynn Kepl for hosting our Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange.
  • Volunteers for next year’s events?
    • Garage sale- last week of May or any-time. Looking for volunteers.
    • Halloween BBQ – last year was the first year since Highlands Community began that we did not host a Halloween parade and party. The board is looking for volunteer to host their garage for the party. HHCO Association pays for food setup etc.
    • Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange needs a volunteer to host one of the first weeks in December. Please let Jeannie know if you would like to host.
    • Mid-summer wine & appetizer social hour will be hosted again by Carol and Dave Straughan.

Elections of officers

  • Carol opened up the floor for nominations or volunteers to take positions on the board.
  • Board does not require a large time commitment and consists of reviewing and approving remodels, roofing, paint colors etc..
  • A reminder to the community that all exterior work to your home must be submitted to the HHCO Board for approval.
  • A motion was made to re-nominate the existing board by David Straughan and seconded by Margie Fortman.

Opened the floor for new business:

  • Lawn care is still available to do thatching, plugging and seeding. For information, contact: Karl Ramsay, Alpine Land Care, 206-683-5189 Karl@alpinelandcare.com
  • Garbage Cans: Attendees commented that they appreciate the note sent out reminding neighbors to keep their garbage cans out of sight from the street. Please let the board know if there are repeat offenders and the board will follow up with households that are not cooperating.
  • Paint Colors: How does the board approve paint colors? Was asked. We use criteria of “northwest colors”. The board was asked to consider stronger criteria to how the board approves paint colors. Natural /Neutral colors are preferred. Suggested the board ensures they receive paint chips in the board submission for approval as colors are difficult to view when presented digitally in email.
  • Attendees indicated they feel they are lucky to live in this neighborhood, well-kept and in line with what the neighborhood is known for and likes the idea of the board being tougher on approvals.
  • The board indicated they are open to a paint committee to help set easier color selection guidelines and pre-board review. Please contact Carol Straughan if you are interested in joining a paint committee.
  • Exterior Paint/Up-keep: Question was asked about homes that are un-kept and require painting to be in keeping with the look of our well maintained neighborhood. The board will reach out to home owners as issues arise.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25


This entry was posted in News.

One thought on “2014 HHCO Annual Meeting

  1. Wow!….great job on updating the site.

    Just wanted to mention that in the last 6 or 7 months there has been an increase in big dogs running loose and crapping in my yard…a large black lab named Buddy, an old light and reddish colored husky and a very large cream colored golden retriever….I thought you could post a reminder that dogs should not be running (poop, pee and destroying my landscaping is irritating)..we do not have a pet and do not appreciate that others let their very large animals run free. I don’t really want to call animal control but this is becoming increasing problematic for us. My grandkids tracked dog poo into the house the other day and that was the last straw. Hope posting the reminder takes care of this. This is my neighborly attempt at resolving this.

    Thanks so much fir doing what you can.

    Debbie McCarten
    18460 NE 196th Place

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