2020 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting, March 3, 2020

Welcome & Introductions led by Carol Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:08 pm.

Board Attendees:

  • David Blatner – Co-President
  • Carol Straughan – Co-President
  • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
  • Trish Albrecht – Social Chair
  • Lynn Kepl – Secretary

Community Attendees:

  • Dave Straughan
  • Ann Lind
  • Paula Furic
  • Carson Solem
  • Chris Vanderwel
  • Paul Vanderwel
  • Melissa Williams

Treasury report by Susan Sodorff

2019 forwarded $7,870 and collecting dues of $7,000 keeping dues at $100 per household.  We are still collecting for $700 not yet paid and to be collected. Susan read though the budget line items:

Entrance landscaping costs $3,360 to maintain.

Added $2,500 to complete the fencing if we choose to do so. We are two sections; 12 feet shy of being completed. Dave Straughan is getting bids to consider. The previous contractor has retired since the fencing was placed in 2014-16. At that time each section was $900.

Question was raised about the light timing at the entrance is off. Each time the power goes out the timer is disrupted. Paul mentioned he would like to put auto eye to modify the lighting as the dawn to dusk eye for the entry way light at a cost of ~$30.00. Paul offered to purchase and put the light in. Paula Furick proposed and Susan Sodorff seconded. Susan gave Paul permission to enter her yard for implementing and servicing the eye.

Social events $1500 is same and based off last year (1082.80).

Administration fees are $200, primarily used for postage. We are required to send written notice for the Annual meeting and invoicing once a year.

Lawyer reserve in the event it is needed.

Insurance liability for the entrance for preventative defense and protects the association in the event someone has interest to sue the association.

Reserve fund of $600.

Total estimated will be $10,260 if we do the fencing with remainder for the next year of $4,600.

Paula asked about landscaping and what they do. Mow, hedge, trim bushes, weed, cut ivy back, and extra work upon request. $280 a month. They are reliable and communicate well. Example, they quickly repaired damage from the snowplow, they fixed it and did not charge the association.

This led to a discussion on managing yard maintenance for the round abouts. The CC&Rs indicate the homeowners are responsible for caring of the cul-de-sac. Various thoughts were expressed. Owners attending the meeting who are on cul-de-sac streets don’t mind taking care of their own island. Points were raised that the funding for this maintenance doesn’t impact all homeowners. Two out of three cul-de-sac owners were at the meeting and expressed they are happy maintaining the cul-de-sac which closed the discussion.

It was proposed by David Blatner and seconded by Lynn Kepl to pass the budget as is.

Social report by Trish Albrecht

New neighbors moved in; Sanchez’s and Helmers. Sanchez’ family has 4 children. Helmers moved to be closer to their grown children and grandchildren.


The Yang family hosted the summer social which had about 10 families, served Asian food and played piano which made for a fun event. Light attendance we think because it was held on a Saturday rather than a Sunday. Thank you to the Yang’s for hosting this great event!

Carson and Jaimie Solem  held the Holiday party – thank you for hosting! Great family event with Santa Clause and all. Trish and Carol helped set it up and prepare. Santa was a hit, very generous however this Santa is retiring. Hoping we have volunteers next year for Santa and to host the holiday event.

Timing of the events was discussed to understand how to increase attendance. Perhaps timing (month of year) was difficult, and it may be better to hold in August given the weather in September. Liz Storey  has volunteered to host the summer event in August. Wahl’s may be hosting the Holiday party and Trish is following up as December is a long way off.

Trish asked for suggestions for driving more attendance. Consensus of meeting attendees was that lower attendance is likely due to busy family calendars on weekends. Trish suggested an attraction to promote attendance such as bouncy house, clown or pony rides.

Trish and others commented. We continue to encourage attendance at events. We send a save the date 4 months before the event. Two weeks before the event, and then just before. We’ve tried a call down per street and we have put signs on mailboxes. It was decided we will again have an ambassador on each street to call neighbors to encourage attendance for the next event.

Chris suggested an early evening activity is a time that works well. Trish suggested Happy Hour/Pub night was something another neighborhood did and had positive attendance. Dave Straughan suggested an ice cream social as an additional draw for younger families.  Chris and Paul volunteered to do a Happy Hour/Pub night in late spring. Chris will come back with a date. It was suggested a Thursday/weeknight may draw more attendance.

It was also suggested to have Pop Up events throughout the year.

Carol raised that if we add a couple of social events, we will need to add funds to the budget. Susan noted that Jamie’s ’s receipts were not included in the budget mentioned earlier. Decision was made to add $500.00 to the Social budget for a total annual budget of $2,000.00. Dave proposed and Chris Vanderwel seconded the $500 increase to the Social budget.

Survey Feedback by David Blatner

What’s Liked:

  • People loved the neighbors and wanted more time to connect with each other.
  • Like the quiet and appearance of neighborhood.

Biggest concerns:

  • Houses and yards that are not well kept.
  • Aggressive dogs towards people.
  • Do a better job following and enforcing the CC&Rs.
  • Election of officers – HHCO may not have new leadership when the time comes to transition leadership. (see below for discussion).


  • More social events/block parties.
  • Community common area (pool, tennis court, community center).
  • People want to be involved, and unfortunately have conflicts sometimes.

Reviving the Halloween party is 50% say we should/should not.

Other feedback:

  • Many people want to be involved with the community but don’t always have time.
  • People want to see the budget, but they don’t come to the meeting.

David Blatner will send the budget via an email with a link to review to be more secure.

Election of HHCO board officers by David Blatner

The HHCO elects’ officers every other year, with this meeting on March 3, 2020 being an election year/night.

David Blatner discussed that the current leadership has been on for years and needs fresh leaders to keep the neighborhood and covenants going.

Dave Straughan suggested creating a nominating committee that would invite people to participate. We want to get some of the newer residents  who moved into this neighborhood who appreciate what we have here in Huntington Highlands to find interested in taking a future position on the board.

Future Board members would then have a year to work with the current officers / HHCO Board and get up to speed on processes. The nominating committee would work a year in advance to allow for time of transition vs. finding new members the weeks before the nomination year and night. Dave Straughan suggests talking with neighbors throughout the year to find interested parties.

Meeting attendees commented that this neighborhood was one of the last areas where builders did not clear cut the trees. It is a one of a kind community.

Dave Straughan and Melissa Williams have volunteered to lead a nomination committee.

David Blatner discussed the positions, 2 Co-presidents, Treasurer, Social Chair, and Secretary. An Architecture position for reviews was mentioned. Dave Straughan relayed that Architecture decisions must be done by the HHCO Board as the deciding committee according to the CC&Rs.

Election of Board officers:

Dave Straughan moved that the existing officers continue their positions for the next year.

David Blatner called to question: All in favor of the current officers holding their current positions for another term.  Attendees responded with unanimous “aye”.

New Business

  • Carol suggested we need new A boards. Discussion led that we need new overlays to attach to the current A boards.
  • Ann Lind noted that the Stop sign heading north on 184th can’t be seen very well and the tree needs to be cut back. Dave Straughan volunteered to talk to the homeowner  on the corner to trim the tree that is hindering visibility of the stop sign.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:51pm.

This entry was posted in News.

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