2024 HHCO Annual Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Meeting: February 27, 2024

Zoom meeting called to order at 7:40pm by Co-President, David Blatner

HHCO Board In Attendance:

  • David Blatner – Co-President
  • Carol Straughan – Co-President
  • Tammy Lally – Treasurer
  • Trisha Albrecht – Secretary

Homeowners in Attendance:

  • David Straughan
  • Melissa Williams – Social Committee
  • Bill Williams
  • Chris Vanderwel – Social Committee
  • Paul Vanderwel
  • Liz Storey
  • Andrew Blaser

David Blatner welcomed all neighbors to the meeting and introductions were made.

Low attendance was noticed this year.

  • Suggestions for a larger turn out were; start the meeting earlier than 7:30pm, send more reminder emails, put signs on the mailboxes and put the Zoom link on the HHCO website the day of, so people can find it easily.
  • There was concern the group email link was not working correctly.
  • David Blatner will look into the system to see if it is failing. 
  • Liz Storey appreciates a Zoom meeting which makes it easier to attend with children.

HHCO Budget/Treasurers Report:

  • Tammy Lally provided and reported on the 2023 financials and 2024 projected budget.
  • Andrew Blaser inquired about the insurance category. It is a general liability policy for directors and officers, and if neighborhood issues arise.
  • Annual dues are trailing in and expect to collect the same as last year.
  • There was an increase in landscaping in the monthly budget due to overdue maintenance and flower expenses for the front entrance.
  • After a complete overview the proposed budget was approved for 2024.
  • Huntington Highlands homeowners can obtain a copy of the financials, by sending an email to board@huntingtonhighlands.org

Social Activities:

  • Melissa Williams and Chris Vanderwel reported on the May Social Event held at the Cottage Lake Park. The location worked well for this event. Hotdogs, chips and soda’s were provided and 30 neighbors attended. 
  • They will organize another event this spring and possibly this fall. 
  • Welcome Baskets were delivered to the Blaser Family and to Diane and Eric Tomita.


  • Trisha Albrecht recapped the work done on the front entrance and thanked the Storey family and the Olsby’s for their help.  A few boxwoods were removed, mulch was laid in the garden area, flowers and bulbs were planted.  There was positive feedback from the homeowners and the flower planting will continue.
  • The board is looking into installing a water meter on both sides of the front entrance to measure the water usage for this area to reimburse the Peacocks and Sodorffs for water.
  • Paul Vanderwel was thanked for his work on maintaining the lights.
  • Paul Vanderwel asked if we could cut the stray birch limbs off the trees. Trisha Albrecht will contact Apol’s for that service.

Sub-Contrator’s List:

  • David Blatner reminded members of the recommended sub-contractor’s list on the HHCO website.  If homeowners want to recommend a sub-contractor, go to our website at www.huntingtonhighlands.org, select Recommend Services and follow the instructions to complete and submit the form.
  • Edits for a service already listed on the website can be made by resubmitting the form with correct information or by sending an email to info@huntingtonhighlands.org.

Mailbox Maintenance:

  • Carol Straughan reported on the mailboxes.  They seem to be looking good and if there are problems contact the board.

Webpage Update:

  • David Blatner reported there are no current updates, and reminded everyone the website contains important neighborhood information, CC&R’s, recommend services and map.  If you want to email your neighbor click on the Map tab, then the lot and an email address will appear.
  • Liz Storey recommended setting up a newsletter to send notices of social events, annual meetings, etc., through a service know as Mail Chimp.  Homeowners have the ability to unsubscribe if they do not wish to receive the community emails notices.
  • David Blatner and Liz Storey will work on this Mail Chimp newsletter idea.

Election of Officers:

  • Every two years the Huntington Highlands Community Organization elect new officers.
  • The current board agreed to stay on, serving for another two years if there were no new nominations. No further nominations were made by the members.
  • David Straughan made a motion for the current board to continue their positions.
  • By a unanimous vote, the 2024 board members are as follows:
    • David Blatner – Co-President
    • Carol Straughan – Co-President
    • Tammy Lally – Treasurer
    • Trisha Albrecht – Secretary
  • Melissa Williams and Chris Vanderwel agreed to continue to serve on the Social Committee.

Other Business:

  • A neighbor reported three coyotes attacked their small dog. Unfortunately the dog did not make it.
  • A suggestion was made to alert homeowners and provide a contact number for the Fish and Wildlife Department.
  • There were no other neighborhood issues brought up at this time.

Meeting adjourned 8:33pm