2018 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting, March 20, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Co-President Carol Straughan

  • Welcome and introductions.
  • Members Present:
    • David Blatner
    • Trish Albrecht
    • Melissa Williams
    • Chris Vanderwell
    • Paul Vanderwell
    • Pete Fortman
    • Jim Wahl
    • Dave Straughan
    • Betty Stack
    • John Signmar
    • Tina Schiller
    • Anne Lind
    • Susan Sodorff
    • Carol Straughan
  • Budget Report, Susan Sodorff, Treasurer
    • Passed around copies of budget report
    • Budget was approved
    • Susan noted that we are not satisfied with the company doing the lawn maintenance for the entryway and will be looking for other resources.  Discussion followed with some suggestions of companies.
    • Carol Straughan noted that the board would be requesting bids to bring the entrance lighting up to par – it isn’t working right now.  Discussion of lighting at the entrance followed. Paul Vanderwell and Pete Forman offered to take a look and see if they could determine what was wrong and if they could repair the lighting. If needed,
    • We will also get bids from electricians.
  • Social Activities Report, Trisha Albrecht
    • Summer Social hosted by Dan and Trisha Albrecht
      • Rented a ‘Jumpy house’, which was a big hit with the children. We had 18 families attend (with 13 kids). In addition Trisha led the children on a ‘treasure hunt’ in the forested area behind her yard.
      • Served heavy appetizers, wine, beer and soft drinks. Drawings were held for prizes of wine and gift certificates.
      • Melissa Williams volunteered to host the Summer Social in September – exact date to be determined.
    • Holiday party hosted by Jim and Stephanie Wahl
      • 26 families attended with 5 children.
      • Santa Dan Albrecht played the part of Santa and handed out gift bags to the children.
      • Collected and delivered 77 food items to the Maltby Food Bank.
    • Chris and Paul Vanderwell volunteered to host the Holiday Party in 2018.
      • Dave Straughan asked for suggestions on how to increase attendance at these events. Suggestions included:
      • Set date way in advance – two-month notice
      • Have an Ambassador on each cul-de-sac to contact their neighbors and personally invite them to attend.
      • Flyers on mailboxes
      • Email notifications
      • Anne Lind volunteered to be the ambassador for her cul-de-sac
      • Tina Schiller volunteered for her cul-de-sac
      • Trisha Albrecht volunteered for her cul-de-sac
      • Pete Fortman and David Blatner volunteered for their cul-de-sac
      • The Board will work on getting an ambassador for the remaining street(s) and cul-de-sac
  • Welcome Baskets – Trisha Albrecht and Pam Logsdon
    • The Welcome Baskets are filled with written material from the Chamber on our local area and state. Toys and child activity items and/or pet treats. Gift cards and items from Molbaks, See’s Candy, AMC, a local brewery, wine tastings, Minea Farms, Starbucks and a plant.
    • Baskets were delivered to the Yang family in March, Tina Schiller and John Sigmar in July and the Callen family in October.
  • Election of Officers, David Blatner
    • The election of officers occurs every other year on even numbered years. Currently the board of directors consists of 2 Co-Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary. The board has decided to add the position of Vice-President.
    • David asked if anyone would like to serve on the board for the upcoming term. There were no volunteers. The current board volunteered to serve for 2018 and 2019. Trisha Albrecht volunteered to fill the position of Vice President. The motion was made by Dave Straughan and seconded by Melissa Williams. A vote was called for and motion passed unanimously.
  • New Business
    • Discussion was brought up about creating a Google group so residents have a place to communicate directly with the neighborhood as a whole group rather than have all communications go through the co-president (Carol Straughan).
    • It was brought up that it might work to create a Facebook page for HHCO but after further discussion that idea was dropped. David Blatner will look into setting up a group – one that residents will have the option to opt out of if they don’t want to participate. It was brought up that this is a means to further efforts to foster neighborhood cohesiveness. The co-president would maintain the current email system for matters of emergency.
    • Entryway – need to fix the lettering so it is easier to read. We will contact the company that made the sign and see if they have any suggestions.
    • Wahl’s may be interested in hosting the Halloween BBQ
    • Budget will be amended accordingly for the Halloween BBQ
    • Question about whether paint colors need to be approved. Yes, unless it is the same color as the existing paint color.
    • Check out the web site http://huntingtonhighlands.org/
  • Meeting was adjourned.
This entry was posted in News.

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