2021 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting: March 23, 2021

David called the meeting to begin at 7:43 pm.
(Note that this meeting was our first ever meeting held on Zoom.)

HHCO Board in attendance:

  • Dave Blatner – Co-President
  • Carol Straughan – Co-President
  • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
  • Trisha Albrecht – Social
  • Lynn Kepl – Secretary

Community neighbors in attendance:

  • John & Pamela Logsdon
  • Javier Sanchez
  • Tom & Elaine Pool
  • Jamie & Carson Sullen
  • Jim Wahl
  • Pete Fortman
  • Greg Olsby
  • Liz Storey
  • Anne Cochez
  • Debbie Carlson

Budget report:

Susan Sodorff walked through the budget. We are bringing forward from 2020 was $8,999.31. Adding 2021 dues of $7,000.00 once all received will bring total operating budget to $15,999.31 before expenses.  Estimated expenses are $10,960.00 leaving a remaining balance of $5,039.31.

  • Social events will continue at current spend rate,
  • Administrative costs (postage, PO Box. Etc.) of about $200
  • Liability Insurance is 1,400 for the front entrance.
  • Reserve fund is to ensure we have minimum 600 in account.

David Straughan motioned for budget to be approved. Pam Logsdon second the motion.

A vote was taken with unanimous approval.

New Neighbor report

  • Tricia Albrecht and Pam Logsdon took a gift basket to the new owner and family on 194th cul-de-sac to the Papp’s. Two kids, toddler and pre-school age. Tricia and Pam give new owners a nice basket of Woodinville interested, small gift and items for children. A letter is included with an ask to give their information to Carol/the HHCO board and that refers the HHCO web page link & CC&Rs.
  • It is important to place items in the basket that are from local stores and something for everyone in the family.

Social activities:

  • Currently no social activities planned. Tricia noted we are waiting to see when we can add social events outdoors. Perhaps in the fall – we are waiting for the governor to open things up and we’ll wait to see once we are COVD safe to have social gatherings again.
  • Anxious to see what happens when Schools open.
  • Tricia is open to suggestions on ideas to hold community events. Halloween was noted as social distancing was fantastic, an experiment that went extremely well.
  • It was mentioned we welcome renters in the neighborhood to community events. For better inclusion as Carol learns of new renters, she will share new neighbors with Tricia to bring a welcome basket and letter. Additionally, there are new renters Tricia will reach out to – to learn about the family and introduce HHCO.

Nominations Committee:

  • Mellissa and Dave Straughan volunteered last year to put a nomination committee to begin recruiting for new board members. Please feel free to nominate and send ideas to the HHCO Board Board@HuntintonHighlands.org. David will craft an email to send to all neighbors and include that email. It’s a great community and way to give back to our own great community.

Comments / Concerns:

  • Recommended contractors list needs a new owner to keep it updated and is looking for a new owner. Contact board@HuntintonHighlands.org.
  • Reminder you can always find people’s email by going to our web site clicking on the map to find the owners email address. Discussion about whether the owner email should be viewable on the map and/or renter. It was decided that Carol will send the rental owners a letter when they have a rental change to add both the owner and the rental person to receive emails sent once map lot is clicked on.
  • Liz suggested collecting contractors list by categories. Dave S. suggested start from scratch since most if not all are out of date. Liz volunteered to put the note/survey together and work with David B. to get a google from in the site.

Entrance / Fencing:

  • Was there anything needed to discuss on the Fencing? David just needs to look up owner to get the ends of the fencing extended as originally drawn.
  • Lighting timer issue was raised, and it was determined there is no timing issue as Paul V. resolved it. Susan commented it is now based on light/dark and no longer timer based.

New Business:

  • Pam asked if title companies still call to understand the dues needed as new homeowner purchases are made. Carol endorsed they do reach out.
  • CC&R question raised about action we take for neighbors not complying to the CC&Rs. Example used is maintenance of the front yard. For systemic non-compliance neighbors should email the board with the issue at hand for the Board to address non-compliance with the resident / owner and refer them the CC&R area of non-compliance. Repeated non-compliance consequence in the CC&Rs can have the HHCO board arrange to service the front yard with a bill to the homeowner.
  • David B. / HHCO board committed to document the policies/CC&R language and send an email to non-compliant homeowners who are currently out of compliance with board dues and yard maintenance.
  • David will add that Policy / CC&R language to the front page of the HHCO site.

Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Dave motioned to adjourn the meeting. Lynn Kepl second. Unanimous agreement.

This entry was posted in News.

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