2022 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting: April 7, 2022
Via Zoom

David B. called the meeting to order at 7:36 pm

HHCO Board in Attendance: 

  • Carol Straughan – Sr. Co-President
  • David Blatner – Co President
  • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
  • Lynn Kepl – Secretary
  • Trisha Albrecht – Social 

Homeowners in Attendance: 

  • Bill Williams
  • Melissa Williams
  • Pam Logsdon
  • John Logsdon
  • Liz Storey
  • Reiley Yang
  • Chris Vanderwel
  • Peter Fortman
  • Carson Solem
  • David Straughan
  • Jan Clark
  • Rowan Clark
  • Tammy Lally

Budget/Treasurer’s Report:

Susan provided a Budget Expense and Operation Budget summary:

  • Budget forwarded from 2021 – $11,000
  • 2022 Dues paid – $7,000 bringing total operating budget to $18,000
  • Outstanding dues are $700, once paid total operating budget will be $18,700
  • Entrance landscape/mowing $3300 (annual) 
  • Complete the fencing at front entrance will be about $2500 (one-time expense)
  • Social events – $2200 (annual)
  • Admin fees (postage etc) – $200 (annual)
  • Lawyer budget retainer if ever needed – $700 (annual)
  • Entrance Insurance liability policy – $1200 (annual)
  • Reserve fund is $600 (annual)
  • This brings current 2022 Budget expenses to $10,600 with remaining working balance of $7400.

Social Activities Report:

  • Trisha Albrecht and Pam Logsdon have been delivering Welcome Baskets containing local Woodinville information, CC&Rs, and Website etc). Baskets were delivered to a new single homeowner on 194th and new couple with three kids in elementary on 196th.
  • Other social activities have been suspended due to COVID. 
  • Carol asked about re-initiating social events. Pam suggested early spring wine/ice cream social or something simple to get kids and community together outside in early spring.  
  • Chris Vanderwel and Melissa Williams have volunteered to take over the social volunteer position from Trisha and Pam. Chris and Melissa will craft email for Carol to send out with selected date and venue for a Spring Social. 

Entrance Discussion:

  • Entrance needs to be completed. The manufacturer doesn’t seem to distribute in Washington anymore.  The installer doesn’t seem to be in business anymore, he retired. This is challenging as we only need two 8 ft sections however most installers don’t want that small of a job. Need to find a similar product and an installer. 
  • If anyone has ideas for fencing and/landscape services who would do this work, please send to the Board. Lynn also offered to try a contact in hopes to help. 
  • Susan raised that some lights are burnt out at the entrance. Also, to investigate sensor to see if the sensor is working properly. Chris noted Paul will look when he is back in town. 

Web Page Update:

David gave a quick update on the web site:

  • Liz Storey helped last year with getting the contractor list and form ready for submission. 
  • All minutes, important documents and contractors list is on this site
  • David called to all Homeowners to please fill in the form on the site to recommend their favorite contractors. David noted to scroll down to fill in the form. Note: you need to submit one contractor at a time. 
  • David Blatner will send an email to homeowners letting them know to submit their favorite contractors. 
  • Pam suggested for Carol to also send reminder of the web page in Carol’s communications. Lynn suggested any communications to HHCO homeowners should have the website Huntingtonhighlands.org/members as a part of their signature. 

Mailbox Maintenance:

  • Carol is looking into mailbox cleaning and repairs as some of the wood is rotting and/or paint has deteriorated at the bottom. We may need to leverage budget throughout the year to address this. Carol is just beginning to investigate it. 
  • There have been reports of mail theft by breaking into and damaging homeowner’s mailboxes. Tammy and David indicated as a precaution to go to USPS online and sign up for “Informed Delivery” your mail to be scanned to help monitor if mail is missing. It was suggested to add this information on the HHCO Website. 
  • The link to USPS Informed Deliver is Informed Delivery (usps.com).

Election of Officers

Board of Directors/Election of officers occurs every 2 years in even numbered years. Board positions are a two-year term.

Carol walked through volunteers and nominations made prior to the Annual Meeting. 

  • Carol Straughan and David Blatner have volunteered for position of Co-Presidents
  • Trisha Albrecht has volunteered for the position of secretary
  • Tammy Lally has volunteered for the position of treasurer
  • Note: Social Committee is volunteer and does not require nomination. Chris Vanderwel and Melissa Williams have volunteered to take this position from Tisha and Pam. 

Carol opened the floor for further nominations for all positions. No additional nominations were made. David moved to close nominations and take a vote. Chris Vanderwel seconded the motion. Carol called for the vote.  All confirmed to move forward with the 2022 new officer nominations. 

Your new HHCO Officers for 2022 – 2024 are as follows:

  • Carol Straughan – Co-President
  • David Blatner – Co-President
  • Trisha Albrecht – Secretary
  • Tammy Lally – Treasurer

Social Committee is volunteer and does not require nomination. Chris Vanderwel and Melissa Williams have volunteered fill this position after outstanding social engagement over the years by Trisha and Pam.  

Other Business:

David shared an experience in replacing a deck and a surprise of being required to discover if there were wetlands on his property during the permit process. He offered awareness that there will likely be an extra step / cost when permitting through King County. David will put the firm he used on the contractor site to assess for wetlands. 

Neighborhood Landscaping Concerns:

  • Pam and Rowan noted a few homeowners are not taking care of their front landscaping and wanted the board to be pro-active in approaching the homeowners to comply with the CC&R’s. It was noted that people did not realize they needed to email the HHCO Board with a formal complaint for the board to take any action. 
  • The board was asked to state the direction and ask that they comply, and the Board should send a letter via USPS describing the verbal complaints to the homeowner. The USPS Letter needs to provide detail with specific issue/complaints that need to be solved, in addition to the guidelines. 
  • Reiley noted the Board should make the request actionable, set a date to be resolved and if not addressed by the stated date, then the board will take action. 
  • David B referenced: HHCO Landscaping Guidelines: http://huntingtonhighlands.org/members/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/HHCO_LandscapeGuidelines.pdf
  • Homeowners are made aware and accept the CC&Rs as they purchase homes in the Huntington Highlands organization. CC&Rs are also provided in the new homeowner gift baskets. 
  • Rowan offered to assist in gathering feedback to share with the board and the homeowner in question and even deliver if needed. 
  • David Blatner asks any homeowner to send written complaints to David/HHCO Board regarding unkept landscaping with specific detail about what the complainer would like to have addressed. 

Pete motioned to close the meeting at 8:47. 

Meeting adjourned

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