2023 HHCO Annual Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Meeting: March 7, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 7:15pm by Co-President, David Blatner.

HHCO Board in Attendance:

  • David Blatner – Co-president
  • Carol Straughan – Co-president
  • Tammy Lally – Treasurer
  • Trisha Albrecht – Secretary

Homeowners In Attendance :

  • Pete Fortman
  • David Straughan
  • Gene De Roule
  • Melissa Williams – Social Committee
  • Chris Vanderwel – Social Committee
  • Paul Vanderwel
  • Liz Storey
  • Carson Solem
  • Jamie Jamerson
  • Karen Mosy
  • Denise Kesterson
  • Carol Olsby    

David Blatner welcomed all neighbors to the meeting and introductions were made.

Budget / Treasurer Report

  • Tammy Lally provided and reported on the 2022 financials and projected budget for 2023.  
  • As of the end of 2021 all homeowners dues were current.
  • Actual dues collected in 2022 were $6,600.00.
  • Three homeowners have not yet paid their 2022 dues. A reminder will be mailed to those homeowners.  
  • 2022 expenses were $5710.53. That includes Entrance Landscaping, Welcome Baskets, Insurance Policy, Internet Website Domain, P.O. Box Renewal. Postage, WA Secretary of State Annual Filing/Renewal and Social Events.
  • 2023 homeowners dues are still being collected.
  • 2023 budget was drafted and Tammy asked for input for anticipated expenses for Welcome Baskets, Insurance Policy, Social Activities.
  • Melissa Williams and Chris Vanderwel felt the Welcome Basket budget of $150.00 was sufficient.
  • David Blatner has requested confirmation on the insurance policy expense.               
  • $500.00 for Social Activities was discussed. 
  • The attending group wanted three social activities throughout the year and felt $500.00 for each social activity was sufficient.  
  • David Straughan motioned to approve a budget of $1,500.00 for three activities throughout 2023. Carson Solem seconded.
  • A vote was called and approved by the attending members.

Social Activities Report / Welcome Baskets

  • Melissa Williams and Chris Vanderwel reported on the community’s spring social function held at Melissa’s home last spring. Tents were set up, food and beverages were provided, gift bags and door prizes were given away. Spring seemed to be a good month for this function with 40 neighbors in attendance.
  • Two Welcome Baskets were given to new neighbors and two more will be delivered soon. 

Follow Up on Entrance / Landscaping

  • Paul Vanderwel asked if the landscaping expense was too high and if we should obtain another bid from a different company. 
  • After a discussion, it was decided our current landscaping company is reliable, doing a good job and felt $70.00 per week was well worth it.
  • Trisha Albrecht brought up the front entrance landscape and suggested we remove the overgrown boxwood directly in front of the Huntington Highlands sign, to make it easier to read.  
  • Carol Olsbey suggested we put in red geraniums that will bloom all summer and suggested additional soil and watering may be needed. 
  • Trisha and Carol O. will put together a plan to remove the boxwood, plant flowers and submit to the board for budget approval.
  • Trisha obtained a bid to install two black rail panels on the border of Huntington Highlands and Sirena Estates. The company was unable to match the existing fencing and custom panels would be required to match the existing fence at a cost of approximately $10,000.00. A motion was moved to kill this project and a vote of hands by the attending community members passed the motion.
  • Spring is the time to remind everyone to review the landscaping guidelines and to keep the community clean and well kept.  
  • An email reminder will be sent to all neighbors in our community with landscaping guidelines. In addition, a notice will be stapled on the mailbox huts.
  • The board will send a friendly follow up letter to neighbors that do not comply with the community guidelines.

Webpage Update: 

  • David Blatner reported the Webpage is current. Recommended services, important documents, CC&R’s and a neighborhood map are all on our website. He reminded everyone to review the website and that emails can be sent directly to neighbors by going to the map and clicking on the house address.
  • Gene De Roule offered his services as a coder.


  • Carol assessed the mailboxes. Some are more ragged than others, but still good.  
  • Dave Straughan will put moss control on all mailbox hut roofs.
  • If maintenance is required, please let the board know. Pete Fortman fixed their mailbox hut on his own – thank you Pete! No need to repaint at this time. 
  • Staples used to affix notifications on the mailbox huts should be pulled out from time to time by the homeowners.

Other Business / Neighborhood Concerns:

  • Cul-de-Sacs
    • Melissa Williams brought up the maintenance of the circles throughout the neighborhood cul-de-sacs. Most are overgrown with weeds and unkept. 
    • The board reminded everyone that it is the responsibility of the landowners to maintain their circles. The bylaws specify only one cul-de-sac on NE 194th Street must be maintained by surrounding landowners.
    • Carol remembers an addendum to include all circles and will search for that addendum.
    • Liz Story suggested sending a letter to the homeowners in the cul-de-sacs, letting them know of their responsibility to maintain their circles, as they may not know it is their responsibility. In the letter it was suggested to include the landscaping guidelines and a drought tolerant plant selection.
    • David Blatner asked if there should be a budget for this?
    • Melissa Williams was always told there was no budget to maintain the circles.
    • The board will get a plan in place to notify the homeowners in the cul-de-sacs.
  • Property Lines
    • Denise Kesterson asked about finding her property line and landscaping up to the line.
    • Trisha mentioned there are white stakes in the ground on every corner of the property, but may be hard to find and that neighbors leave a natural green space between homes.
    • Liz suggested going to the King County Parcel Viewer website to get an idea of the property outline. 
    • David B. hired a surveyor to identify their property lines.

Note: Election of officers occurs in 2024. Elections will be next year, please jump in and take on a role.

Dave Straughan moved to adjourn the meeting, Pete Fortman, Seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm.

*If homeowners would like more information on the finances and the budget, please contact the board.

One thought on “2023 HHCO Annual Meeting

  1. An FYI. Our Mail Box (a locking box) was pried open Saturday night. It appears ours was the only one. It is one of the mail box stand on NE 196th Pl. The door was bent pretty bad and I am having to replace the whole mail box.

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