2016 HHCO Annual Meeting

2016 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – February 29, 2016



  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan Co -president
    • David Blatner – Co- president
    • Trisha Albrecht – New Neighbor Outreach/Welcome
    • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
    • Lynn Kepl – Secretary
  • Community attendees:
    • Liz Storey
    • Jim Wahl
    • Dan and Trisha Albrecht
    • Laura Ullman
    • Pete Portman
    • Mike and Anne Lund
    • Elaine and Tom Pool
    • Susan Anderson
    • Pat Moore
    • Betty Stack
    • Jennifer and Matt Johnson
    • Dave Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:35 PM

1. Introductions and welcome – Carol Straughan

  • Carol welcomed Trisha Albrecht to the HHCO Board of Directors.
  • Also introduced and welcomed new residents Raiford & Liz Storey and Jim & Stefanie Wahl
  • Self-introductions were made by community attendees (attendees noted above)

2. Budget report – Susan Sodorff

  • Current Entrance Maintenance and Signage cost is $1,200. The minimal landscaping done by a non-professional is not keeping the new entrance to the aesthetic we would like. The HHCO board will review bids for proper Landscaping company and expect the cost to raise significantly (~X2).
  • The birch trees are either dead or in bad shape. Two trees are dead on one side, one on the other.
  • May add the final panel on each side (as you enter Huntington Highlands) pending available funds after the landscaping is refurbished.

3. Blog page – David Blatner

  • Encourage people to use it –  HuntingtonHighlands.org
  • CC&Rs, Annual association notes
  • Services / contractors are listed.
  • Interactive Map: click on the house and you can send that owner an email with email address kept private.
  • There was an ask to start an email distribution list. Is there anyone interested in creating this (Google groups…). David will look into “Woodinville neighbors” and Google groups; Liz volunteered to assist.
  • David mentioned that the results of blog survey conducted early in 2015 is also posted on the blog.

4. Entryway update – Susan Sodorff

  • The HHCO board will leverage the remaining working balance in 2016 to replace the birch trees  and needed shrubs (or possible alternative). Due to the warm summer some of the trees/shrubs did not survive.

5. Report on Social Activities – Trisha Albrecht

  • Summer Social:
    • Held at Trish’s home in the backyard this summer. Many attended including kids. There were games for kids, heavy appetizers and beverages served. Would like to have more frequent though summer seems to be the best time.
    • David suggested one in the Spring.
  • Ladies Holiday Decorating Event – Carol Straughan
    • Issaquah Countryside Floral and Garden owner Jon Thorne was guest speaker. Topic was on creating holiday decorations.
    • 16 families attend and guest.
    • One former resident.
    • Gave away 13 demonstration pieces.
    • Held in November which everyone liked having earlier in the season.

6. ‘New Neighbor’ Welcome Basket – Trisha Albrecht

  • Trisha Albrecht and Pam Logsdon chair this project
  • Trisha described what was in the baskets – wine, wine tasting, Molbak’s gift certificate, items for the kids (age appropriate) CC&Rs and information on the Website.
  • Stephanie and Jim were the first to receive, then Liz and Rayford.

7. Election of Officers – David Blatner

  • David summarized the positions that are available for the next 2 years. Co -presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary. (Social Director just filled – Trisha Albrecht). He asked for nominations or volunteers; with no response.
  • Current officers will serve the next term.

8. New Business:

  • Carol Straughan reported that Matt Hart is working with three lawn care companies to develop a group discount price for moss control/aerating/thatching. We hope to have final prices by next week.
  • Culverts and Islands. Mike Lind asked how the board felt about upkeep of the culverts and islands. The culverts are property of the homeowner and the county.  The CC&Rs state that the Islands are to be maintained by the cul-de-sac homeowners.
  • Liz Storey asked about Comcast van’s parking and disturbing the lawn by mailboxes. It was discussed that the lawn is homeowner’s to maintain.

Meeting adjourned.

2015 HHCO Annual Meeting

2015 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – February 23rd, 2015



  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan
    • David Blatner
    • Jeannie Marcil
    • Susan Sodorff
    • Lynn Kepl
  • Community attendees:
    • Robin and David Hutchinson.
    • Melissa Williams
    • Susan Anderson
    • Betty stack
    • Greg Guillen
    • Dave Straughan
    • Anne Lind

Meeting Start: 7:28

1. Welcome – Carol Straughan

  • Introductions
  • Sign-in and check your email address
  • Need volunteers for officers for upcoming year (2016)

2. Paint approval committee.
We have a volunteer to lead the Paint Approval committee to help the community.

3. Welcome to Neighborhood committee.
The Linds have offered to revamp the welcome packet and execution of welcoming new neighbors. As FYI, the city no longer provides new residents notification to HHCO. Any neighbors wanting to serve on those committees please reach out to her.

4. Blog page update – David Blatner.
HHCO Website – no more password! Members no longer need a password to see the Blog. HHCO would like to see increased use and believe no password will help. We have had no spam and no corresponding links to anything on our site per David. Residents will remain anonymous.

5. Contractors
Please send contractor recommendations to board@huntingtonhighlands.org for inclusion on our preferred contractors list to be refreshed on our web-site by David.

6. HHCO Survey of residents.
A Survey will be sent in March to help inform board what is important to the community.

7. Treasurer’s report – Susan Sodorff.
Susan provided hard copies of the budget to review in session. Currently a $2,700 balance forward with estimated expenses that will maintain $1,200 social, $1,000 admin fees, $200 and $700 lawyer if needed. Insurance for the board is $1200 year leaving a reserve is 600. With all expenses we will be 4700 positive moving into the next year.

8. Report on social activities– Jeannie Marcil

  • Ladies Holiday Décor party had a good turn-out 16 ladies attended
  • Possibly do an event next year that includes husbands
  • Halloween BBQ – was not held the in 2014
  • Upcoming Events and needs:
    • Summer social – Board planning to host this event again this summer
    • Looking for social ideas for the neighborhood. Jeannie gave review of past events. Looking for anyone who is interested in joining social committee to plan small events that community can participate in with busy schedules today yet keeping the in touch.
    • Halloween, needs a sponsor for 2015. We really missed this this year.
    • Keep having Social Hour to build and foster our community. Any volunteers should email Jeannie.
    • Additional Ideas or input please send to Jeannie.

9. Review of meeting minutes from 2014 – Lynn Kepl
Lynn provided a summary of what the board accomplished last year; entryway completion, finished sign and fine-tuned electrical/lighting, etc.

10. Items for discussion:
Front Entry Landscape: The Board is in search for a new landscaping/pruning service for the front entry. If anyone would like to volunteer to take on the front entry maintenance to keep it in great shape, please volunteer to Susan Sodorff. Keep/continue with low maintenance perennials, add mulching to keep weeds down.

11. Remarks from home owners

  • General agreement that 4th of July in our community is Anti-fireworks. King County advises as well.
  • Betty: Add a caution to the newsletter about larger fireworks. Will be a dry summer.
  • Lynn to send Susan her Landscape contact. Current cost is per Susan’s $78 an hour.
  • Neighbors would like to be able to send an email to all neighbors, we are looking for objections to this.
  • A new idea was offered – emergency preparedness event.
  • Melissa offered to help with summer social.

Meeting adjourned

February 2015 Neighborhood Survey Results

For the first time ever, the HHCO surveyed our neighborhood, and we learned some wonderful things. A total of 26 out of the 71 homes answered the survey (37%), which is a good response for our first-ever attempt.

One interesting piece of data was that 50% of families enter and exit Huntington Highlands driving through our “official” entrance on 184th Place (where our entrance gate and sign are). The other 50% enter from other roads.

More than anything, the survey showed that people overwhelmingly like our community and want it to be more… neighborly! That said, people’s primary concerns appear to be around: crime, loud dogs, and home/garden upkeep.

Some personal comments include:

  • “Develop a way to encourage all residents to maintain their properties with general home and yard upkeep.”
  • “It’s beautiful, safe and relaxing. Lots of trees and no fences”
  • “Great walking neighborhood, friendly, pretty quiet, well kept up.”

You can download the results of the survey and read people’s responses here.


Neighborhood Fencing

The board has been asked recently to clarify the HHCO position on fencing in the neighborhood.

Here is a list of fencing guidelines:

  • Note that fencing of any kind is discouraged because we consider Huntington Highlands a ‘greenbelt’ community, and we prefer landscaping over hardscaping.
  • For pet control, we strongly urge residents to use electronic ‘invisible fencing.’
  • All fencing requests must be submitted to the HHCO Board of Directors in written form with a to-scale diagram of the property and the proposed fence.
  • The HHCO has 30 days in which to respond to the fencing proposal.
  • In general, the fencing proposal must meet the following conditions:
    • Fencing is not allowed in the front portion of the property. Fencing visible from the street will be kept to a minimum.
    • The fence must be no closer than 10 feet to your property line and no taller than 6 feet.
    • If the neighbors request it, landscaping between the property line and the fence may be required.
    • The HHCO board must approve fencing material.
  • Note that historical precedent or existing fencing will not necessarily be taken into account when the board makes a decision. Each project is decided upon individually.

Thank you.

2014 HHCO Annual Meeting

2014 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – March 10th, 2014


  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan Co -president
    • David Blatner – Co- president
    • Jeanne Marcil – Social
    • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
    • Lynn Kepl – Secretary
  • Community attendees:
    • Tom and Elaine Pool
    • Robin Godfrey
    • Rowan and Jan Clark
    • Jennifer and Matt Johnson
    • Pam Logsdon
    • Betty Stack
    • Pete and Margie Fortman
    • Dave Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:18 PM

Welcome by Carol Straughan

Budget Presentation – Susan Sodorff

  • 2013 Balance Forward $1383
  • Collecting dues for 2014 $6900, which brings us to total $8283
    • Entrance Mowing, Maintenance, $1000
    • Entrance signage lettering, $2300
    • Social events, $1000
    • Administration fees $200
    • Lawyer funds in reserve in the event the board needs council $700
    • Home owners association insurance $1100
    • Reserve is $600.
  • Total Expenses are $6900
  • Remaining Balance is $1383

Entrance Update – Dave Straughan

  • How many households – 71 homes (69 pay dues) as now both sides of the entrance pay for electrical and water.
  • Dave was the originator of bid generation and managed the work done. Thank you to David for making our community look fabulous!
    • The bid the board decided upon was under 8k from the other bids. The firm did not charge us overages and everything turned out as expected.
    • The board agreed to hold off on lettering to put funds available into the entrance. The lettering will be done in 2014 with this year’s dues.
    • Bids on lettering were for brass lettering ($2300) to acrylic. The board will likely select brushed aluminum with gold tone to save costs. Or painted acrylic however the brass and acrylic do not wear as well.
    • Board believes we will select brushed aluminum is in the middle cost and about $1800.
    • The board opted for low maintenance plants.
    • If there are funds available at the end of year the board will invest in up-lights on the remaining trees in the entrance and one additional length of fence on each side. Or, will wait until 2015 funds are available.
    • The trees in the entrance will grow rapidly after 2 years planting (filling out).
    • We now have a classy, low maintenance entrance.
  • We need to have someone spray and moss out the walkway. Rowan volunteered to get rid of the moss, will bill the HHCO board for the product used.

Contractor list will have the masonry and the landscaper added and are listed below.

  • Masonry: Ward & Sons, 206.579.5919
  • Landscape: Badgley’s landscape, 425.486.6290
  • Mole control: Taliprid – worms for mole holes/moles can be found on the internet

Insurance – David Blatner
The board has decided to pursue Insurance for HHCO association and the Board. The intent is to protect the entrance and assets of the community. The board should also have insurance therefore the board felt we need to invest to protect the board. Insurance will cover liability for common property such as entrance and rounds. Cost is about $1100 a year through State Farm insurance.

Blog page/Website – David Blatner
Last year we took off the password protection as no one could remember it. The URL: HuntingtonHighlands.org

  • Recommended contractor services are listed on the site
  • There is a map with the ability to email neighbors based on the property physical location
  • David will start an all HHCO mailing list with google groups and let the HHCO households know how to use it. If households do not want to their name on the distribution list, they can unsubscribe
  • David will publish guidelines / rules when this is offered such that we omit marketing and non HHCO related email/publishings

Social Events – Jeannie Marcil

  • Thank you to Lynn Kepl for hosting our Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange.
  • Volunteers for next year’s events?
    • Garage sale- last week of May or any-time. Looking for volunteers.
    • Halloween BBQ – last year was the first year since Highlands Community began that we did not host a Halloween parade and party. The board is looking for volunteer to host their garage for the party. HHCO Association pays for food setup etc.
    • Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange needs a volunteer to host one of the first weeks in December. Please let Jeannie know if you would like to host.
    • Mid-summer wine & appetizer social hour will be hosted again by Carol and Dave Straughan.

Elections of officers

  • Carol opened up the floor for nominations or volunteers to take positions on the board.
  • Board does not require a large time commitment and consists of reviewing and approving remodels, roofing, paint colors etc..
  • A reminder to the community that all exterior work to your home must be submitted to the HHCO Board for approval.
  • A motion was made to re-nominate the existing board by David Straughan and seconded by Margie Fortman.

Opened the floor for new business:

  • Lawn care is still available to do thatching, plugging and seeding. For information, contact: Karl Ramsay, Alpine Land Care, 206-683-5189 Karl@alpinelandcare.com
  • Garbage Cans: Attendees commented that they appreciate the note sent out reminding neighbors to keep their garbage cans out of sight from the street. Please let the board know if there are repeat offenders and the board will follow up with households that are not cooperating.
  • Paint Colors: How does the board approve paint colors? Was asked. We use criteria of “northwest colors”. The board was asked to consider stronger criteria to how the board approves paint colors. Natural /Neutral colors are preferred. Suggested the board ensures they receive paint chips in the board submission for approval as colors are difficult to view when presented digitally in email.
  • Attendees indicated they feel they are lucky to live in this neighborhood, well-kept and in line with what the neighborhood is known for and likes the idea of the board being tougher on approvals.
  • The board indicated they are open to a paint committee to help set easier color selection guidelines and pre-board review. Please contact Carol Straughan if you are interested in joining a paint committee.
  • Exterior Paint/Up-keep: Question was asked about homes that are un-kept and require painting to be in keeping with the look of our well maintained neighborhood. The board will reach out to home owners as issues arise.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25


2013 HHCO Annual Meeting

Minutes from the Huntington Highlands Community Annual Meeting, Monday March 4, 2013


Board members:

  • Carol Straughan Co -president
  • David Blatner – Co- president
  • Jeanne Marcil
  • Susan Sodorff
  • Lynn Kepl

Community attendees:

  • Betty Stack
  • Tina and Spero(SP) Papanose
  • John and robin Godfrey
  • Robin and David Hutchinson
  • Susan Anderson
  • John and Pam Logsdon
  • Matt Hart
  • Dave Straughan
  • Pat Moore
  • Matt & Jennifer Johnson
  • Dapeng Lui
  • Mike and Anne Lind


Meeting commenced at 7:08 PM

  • Entrance Update:
    • Entrance is moving forward and will include the following; Columns and post, brick and rod iron. Three tree’s e.g. birch with up-lighting.
    • HHCO Board – is getting two more bids then should look plausible
    • Question from Jennifer Johnson: Who handles the maintenance – HHCO board does, Sodorff’s and Peacocks cover water.
  • Summerfield house: offer out and working through sale.
  • Comment by John Logsdon that having the fencing and clear entrance would ensure the entrance to the neighborhood is well kept and keeps the value of the home.
  • Budget presentation by Susan Sodorff:
    • 37,902.53. 2013 annual dues bring us to 45,800 in budget.
    • See attached as reference.
  • Discussion:
  • Meet with a lawyer to understand what is required to update CC&Rs.
    • A lot of discussion about what the lawyer fees were for. The notes from this meeting with Carol Schmidt will be published.
  • Summerfield house will need to share that it needed to be approved by the board.
    • They need to replace the wood fence with wood fence, not cyclone that was placed and approved by a previous board.
    • Carol: will discuss the cyclone fence with the Summerfield potential owner.
  • Website:
    • Removed the password protection for ease of access by community.
    • HuntingtonHighland.org. attendees commented this was helpful.
    • There is a list of recommended services, plumbers, roofers….
    • To Email someone in Huntington Highlands – there is a map that you can go to and click on the location, you can email that person.
    • We are working on emailing “everyone” through google groups.
    • Compliments were given to Carol on break-ins or other news. Thank you for the notifications from the Board (Carol).
    • Send a note to opt out – if you don’t want to receive. David will update the alias.
    • Proposal for the blog, let the community add in the blog. David can offer that this is a service.
    • Putt on google group and ask if people want to opt out.
  • Social update:
    • Positive feedback on the Halloween party. Thank you to Blatner’s for hosting the party. Good turn out and many without kids.
  • Neighborhood signs – for security.
  • Benches – there was interest in seeing if there is a way to have benches on the main street, perhaps by the mailboxes.
  • Cul-de-sac maintenance was requested. The CC&R’s state that the cul-de-sac maintenance is responsibility of the homeowners within the cul-de-sac. A proposal was made to have the board look into adding annual dues to the cul-de-sac owners dues to cover costs of maintenance. The board will consider looking into this.
  • Election of Board of Directors will be at next year’s HHCO Annual meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14pm.

2012 HHCO Annual Meeting

Minutes from the Huntington Highlands Annual Community Meeting, Monday, February 6, 2012

Huntington Highlands Community attendance:

  • Carol Straughan – president
  • Susan Sodorff- treasurer
  • Lynn Kepl – secretary
  • Jeannie Marcil – co-president
  • David Blatner
  • Matt Johnson
  • Jennifer Johnson
  • Dave Straughan
  • Mike Lynd
  • Ann Lynd
  • Laura Ullman
  • Pat Moore
  • Dapeng Lui
  • Ping Yin


Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm by Carol Straughan.

  • Introduction
    Introductions by all in attendance were made.
  • Budget Presentation – Susan Sodorff
    • Discussed last year 34K and this year we now have 38K. Last year we paid for landscape architect for the plan.
    • Discussed the entry way process and we looked at a few estimates and changes with bid for brick sign that will replace the wooden structure. We are replacing the wooden fence with brick column’s every 7 ft with aluminum fencing (rod iron look) between the columns. Will cost under 40K. Cost also includes demolition – removal of trees and fencing, – new up-lighting, trees, landscaping.
    • Discussed the need to acquire a couple more bids to get the best price for the work.
  • Dues – Jeannie Marcil
    • We want to increase dues to increase funding for other projects such as updating the CC&Rs, enforcing CC&Rs/legal advice, assisting those who may need assistance with street visible upkeep, video surveillance, community events (e.g. disaster preparedness), property management and benches.
    • We will have a special general meeting to illustrate what we will spend the $ we have on, and what we would like to spend the future funding on for the community. Note that we should indicate we are “planning” to raise dues this next year.
  • Social Events
    • WE discussed new ideas for social events. Garage sale then wrap up with wine tasting.
    • Block Party in a cul-de-sac or side street.
    • 4th of July fireworks party.
    • Garage Sale. Adds: Woodinville paper, Craig’s list. Signage from 182nd posted up to the neighborhood. Lynd’s volunteered to manage the garage sale.
    • Carol will, reach out to Mr. Summerfield.
    • Big thank you to the Hart family for hosting the Halloween BBQ. Matt thank you for hosting the aerating and would love to do it again! Trisha Albright for hosting the ladies gift exchange.
  • Blog page/Website Update – David Blatner
    • Low usage.
    • Website capabilities: Member directory, CC&Rs, Map,
    • Current Website information: Username: members, Psswd, hh4corners
    • David will update the password to something easier to remember: hh
    • Carol will add signature to give the website page URL.
    • Propose: keep private website. Neighbourhood email list that anyone can write time sensitive information to neighbours e.g. there is a bear on 184th.
    • Updating contractor list.
  • Elections of Officers:
    • Carol Straughan – Co-President
    • David Blatner – Co-President
    • Jeannie Marcil – Vice President
    • Susan Sodorff- treasurer
    • Lynn Kepl – secretary
    • Dave Straughan motioned that these be voted for these positions.
  • New Business
    • Easement rights for monuments and benches.
    • Jennifer Johnson researched checking the intersection with the city. The city indicated they would take a look to see about adding stop lines in the road.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.


Minutes of the HHCO Annual Meeting

Minutes from the Huntington Highlands Annual Community Meeting, Monday, January 31, 2011

Community attendance:

  • Carol Straughan – president
  • Susan Sodorff- treasurer
  • Lynn Kepl – secretary
  • Jeannie Marcil – co-president
  • Dan Anderson
  • Susan Anderson
  • JB Pratt
  • Greg Olsby
  • David Blatner
  • Brian Bowman
  • Matt Johnson
  • Jennifer Johnson
  • Matt Hart
  • Rowan Clark
  • Jan Clark
  • Dave Straughan
  • Mike Lynd
  • Laura Ullman
  • Elaine Pool
  • Guest Attendee: Gayle Cramer – Landscape Architect


Huntington Highlands Community Organization, Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm by Carol Straughan.
  • Introductions by all in attendance were made.
Presentation on Entryway Monument
  • Gayle reviewed the draft plans for the revised fencing and signage. Preliminary design includes brick instead of wood fence. Columns every 10 ft. then brick base with wrought iron (or other metal) between the brick columns. Up-light the monument and the Birch trees.
  • Possibility of using green marble in the background of the signage with raised or indented letters. Canned lights will be in the ground.
  • Discussion to put the signage on the west side of the street as you enter Huntington Highlands, you see that side of the street first.
  • Discussed whether 10 ft, sequence for the pillars is too expensive – discussion about shortening the length of the fence and/or spacing the pillars farther apart.
  • Action: Gayle will send pictures of green marble with differing color lettering. David will put on the website. She will also contact us with revisions to the preliminary plan as per input from the attendees.
Social Activities Report
  • Events have fallen off from sponsorship and attendance. Halloween Parade & BBQ, Holiday, summer picnics (Cottage lake), father’s day golf tournament, ladies gift exchange, Easter egg hunt, Bunco, Gourmet Club, Garage sale. It was suggested that we have a block party after the Garage Sale.
Security Issues
  • Discussion of security of our homes and break-ins. King County has had a budget shortfall. Now there is only one sheriff on duty and no detectives for checking into break in reports. Alarms going off don’t warrant sending anyone either.
  • Woodinville city will respond because they have an agreement to solve but only if there is an actual issue.
  • It would be prudent to heighten the awareness. It is more important now than ever. Watch your neighbors’ property.
  • Action: add to future notification regarding need to know your neighbors’ and watch for break-ins.
  • We should consider adding no solicitor’s signs for each home.
  • If you have an alarm, should go to a private company that calls you that your alarm has gone off so you know you need to check on your house.
  • Suggested wireless video. Fake cameras and signs indicating under video surveillance was recommended.
  • Action:  Matt volunteered to look into.
  • Action: Matt to look into signage indicating video surveillance.
  • Survey
It was suggested we do a survey to see if residents would sign up for yard maintenance, painting, blowing sprinkler / check, certified backflow and upcoming projects if we could negotiate a group price for the service.

Budget Report

Susan reviewed the Budget. Other than landscaping maintenance costs for the entry and a few other miscellaneous items, the budget is earmarked for the renovation of the entryway.

CC&R Revisions

  • Greg Olsby raised the issue of strengthening our CC&Rs. Suggested getting the CC&Rs updated. Then get a third party to manage the compliance.
  • Action: Greg offered to research with Attorney and bring back to the board.
  • There was a recommendation to get Saybrook and others CC&Rs.

Other Items for discussion

  • Next year is election of Board of Directors.
  • Offer by David Blatner to step up as co-president and Jeannie Marcil would become Social Activities Chairperson.
  • Email David and Carol for updates to contractor list: Info@Huntingtonhighlands.org.
  • CC&Rs are on the website.
  • Map is on the website, you can click on the address and you can send an email.
  • Username: members, Password, hh4corners
  • Action: call the city and ask for them to paint the stop signs. Jennifer Johnson volunteered.
  • Website: only send mail when there is something new posted to it.
Meeting Close
Meeting adjourned at 9:27pm.

2011 Annual HHCO Meeting: January 31

Our annual HHCO meeting will be held on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Straughan residence – 18430 NE 194th Street. Below is a summary of the main items on our agenda.

  • Presentation of two proposals for renovation of the entryway.
    • Landscape designer will present two ideas for the entryway.
    • Discussion with the designer will follow presentation.
    • Landscape designer excused from the meeting.
  • Budget presentation.
  • Social activities report.
  • Status report on HHCO Board Member terms/openings.
  • Other topics as brought up by attendees.