2021 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting: March 23, 2021

David called the meeting to begin at 7:43 pm.
(Note that this meeting was our first ever meeting held on Zoom.)

HHCO Board in attendance:

  • Dave Blatner – Co-President
  • Carol Straughan – Co-President
  • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
  • Trisha Albrecht – Social
  • Lynn Kepl – Secretary

Community neighbors in attendance:

  • John & Pamela Logsdon
  • Javier Sanchez
  • Tom & Elaine Pool
  • Jamie & Carson Sullen
  • Jim Wahl
  • Pete Fortman
  • Greg Olsby
  • Liz Storey
  • Anne Cochez
  • Debbie Carlson

Budget report:

Susan Sodorff walked through the budget. We are bringing forward from 2020 was $8,999.31. Adding 2021 dues of $7,000.00 once all received will bring total operating budget to $15,999.31 before expenses.  Estimated expenses are $10,960.00 leaving a remaining balance of $5,039.31.

  • Social events will continue at current spend rate,
  • Administrative costs (postage, PO Box. Etc.) of about $200
  • Liability Insurance is 1,400 for the front entrance.
  • Reserve fund is to ensure we have minimum 600 in account.

David Straughan motioned for budget to be approved. Pam Logsdon second the motion.

A vote was taken with unanimous approval.

New Neighbor report

  • Tricia Albrecht and Pam Logsdon took a gift basket to the new owner and family on 194th cul-de-sac to the Papp’s. Two kids, toddler and pre-school age. Tricia and Pam give new owners a nice basket of Woodinville interested, small gift and items for children. A letter is included with an ask to give their information to Carol/the HHCO board and that refers the HHCO web page link & CC&Rs.
  • It is important to place items in the basket that are from local stores and something for everyone in the family.

Social activities:

  • Currently no social activities planned. Tricia noted we are waiting to see when we can add social events outdoors. Perhaps in the fall – we are waiting for the governor to open things up and we’ll wait to see once we are COVD safe to have social gatherings again.
  • Anxious to see what happens when Schools open.
  • Tricia is open to suggestions on ideas to hold community events. Halloween was noted as social distancing was fantastic, an experiment that went extremely well.
  • It was mentioned we welcome renters in the neighborhood to community events. For better inclusion as Carol learns of new renters, she will share new neighbors with Tricia to bring a welcome basket and letter. Additionally, there are new renters Tricia will reach out to – to learn about the family and introduce HHCO.

Nominations Committee:

  • Mellissa and Dave Straughan volunteered last year to put a nomination committee to begin recruiting for new board members. Please feel free to nominate and send ideas to the HHCO Board Board@HuntintonHighlands.org. David will craft an email to send to all neighbors and include that email. It’s a great community and way to give back to our own great community.

Comments / Concerns:

  • Recommended contractors list needs a new owner to keep it updated and is looking for a new owner. Contact board@HuntintonHighlands.org.
  • Reminder you can always find people’s email by going to our web site clicking on the map to find the owners email address. Discussion about whether the owner email should be viewable on the map and/or renter. It was decided that Carol will send the rental owners a letter when they have a rental change to add both the owner and the rental person to receive emails sent once map lot is clicked on.
  • Liz suggested collecting contractors list by categories. Dave S. suggested start from scratch since most if not all are out of date. Liz volunteered to put the note/survey together and work with David B. to get a google from in the site.

Entrance / Fencing:

  • Was there anything needed to discuss on the Fencing? David just needs to look up owner to get the ends of the fencing extended as originally drawn.
  • Lighting timer issue was raised, and it was determined there is no timing issue as Paul V. resolved it. Susan commented it is now based on light/dark and no longer timer based.

New Business:

  • Pam asked if title companies still call to understand the dues needed as new homeowner purchases are made. Carol endorsed they do reach out.
  • CC&R question raised about action we take for neighbors not complying to the CC&Rs. Example used is maintenance of the front yard. For systemic non-compliance neighbors should email the board with the issue at hand for the Board to address non-compliance with the resident / owner and refer them the CC&R area of non-compliance. Repeated non-compliance consequence in the CC&Rs can have the HHCO board arrange to service the front yard with a bill to the homeowner.
  • David B. / HHCO board committed to document the policies/CC&R language and send an email to non-compliant homeowners who are currently out of compliance with board dues and yard maintenance.
  • David will add that Policy / CC&R language to the front page of the HHCO site.

Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Dave motioned to adjourn the meeting. Lynn Kepl second. Unanimous agreement.

2020 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting, March 3, 2020

Welcome & Introductions led by Carol Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:08 pm.

Board Attendees:

  • David Blatner – Co-President
  • Carol Straughan – Co-President
  • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
  • Trish Albrecht – Social Chair
  • Lynn Kepl – Secretary

Community Attendees:

  • Dave Straughan
  • Ann Lind
  • Paula Furic
  • Carson Solem
  • Chris Vanderwel
  • Paul Vanderwel
  • Melissa Williams

Treasury report by Susan Sodorff

2019 forwarded $7,870 and collecting dues of $7,000 keeping dues at $100 per household.  We are still collecting for $700 not yet paid and to be collected. Susan read though the budget line items:

Entrance landscaping costs $3,360 to maintain.

Added $2,500 to complete the fencing if we choose to do so. We are two sections; 12 feet shy of being completed. Dave Straughan is getting bids to consider. The previous contractor has retired since the fencing was placed in 2014-16. At that time each section was $900.

Question was raised about the light timing at the entrance is off. Each time the power goes out the timer is disrupted. Paul mentioned he would like to put auto eye to modify the lighting as the dawn to dusk eye for the entry way light at a cost of ~$30.00. Paul offered to purchase and put the light in. Paula Furick proposed and Susan Sodorff seconded. Susan gave Paul permission to enter her yard for implementing and servicing the eye.

Social events $1500 is same and based off last year (1082.80).

Administration fees are $200, primarily used for postage. We are required to send written notice for the Annual meeting and invoicing once a year.

Lawyer reserve in the event it is needed.

Insurance liability for the entrance for preventative defense and protects the association in the event someone has interest to sue the association.

Reserve fund of $600.

Total estimated will be $10,260 if we do the fencing with remainder for the next year of $4,600.

Paula asked about landscaping and what they do. Mow, hedge, trim bushes, weed, cut ivy back, and extra work upon request. $280 a month. They are reliable and communicate well. Example, they quickly repaired damage from the snowplow, they fixed it and did not charge the association.

This led to a discussion on managing yard maintenance for the round abouts. The CC&Rs indicate the homeowners are responsible for caring of the cul-de-sac. Various thoughts were expressed. Owners attending the meeting who are on cul-de-sac streets don’t mind taking care of their own island. Points were raised that the funding for this maintenance doesn’t impact all homeowners. Two out of three cul-de-sac owners were at the meeting and expressed they are happy maintaining the cul-de-sac which closed the discussion.

It was proposed by David Blatner and seconded by Lynn Kepl to pass the budget as is.

Social report by Trish Albrecht

New neighbors moved in; Sanchez’s and Helmers. Sanchez’ family has 4 children. Helmers moved to be closer to their grown children and grandchildren.


The Yang family hosted the summer social which had about 10 families, served Asian food and played piano which made for a fun event. Light attendance we think because it was held on a Saturday rather than a Sunday. Thank you to the Yang’s for hosting this great event!

Carson and Jaimie Solem  held the Holiday party – thank you for hosting! Great family event with Santa Clause and all. Trish and Carol helped set it up and prepare. Santa was a hit, very generous however this Santa is retiring. Hoping we have volunteers next year for Santa and to host the holiday event.

Timing of the events was discussed to understand how to increase attendance. Perhaps timing (month of year) was difficult, and it may be better to hold in August given the weather in September. Liz Storey  has volunteered to host the summer event in August. Wahl’s may be hosting the Holiday party and Trish is following up as December is a long way off.

Trish asked for suggestions for driving more attendance. Consensus of meeting attendees was that lower attendance is likely due to busy family calendars on weekends. Trish suggested an attraction to promote attendance such as bouncy house, clown or pony rides.

Trish and others commented. We continue to encourage attendance at events. We send a save the date 4 months before the event. Two weeks before the event, and then just before. We’ve tried a call down per street and we have put signs on mailboxes. It was decided we will again have an ambassador on each street to call neighbors to encourage attendance for the next event.

Chris suggested an early evening activity is a time that works well. Trish suggested Happy Hour/Pub night was something another neighborhood did and had positive attendance. Dave Straughan suggested an ice cream social as an additional draw for younger families.  Chris and Paul volunteered to do a Happy Hour/Pub night in late spring. Chris will come back with a date. It was suggested a Thursday/weeknight may draw more attendance.

It was also suggested to have Pop Up events throughout the year.

Carol raised that if we add a couple of social events, we will need to add funds to the budget. Susan noted that Jamie’s ’s receipts were not included in the budget mentioned earlier. Decision was made to add $500.00 to the Social budget for a total annual budget of $2,000.00. Dave proposed and Chris Vanderwel seconded the $500 increase to the Social budget.

Survey Feedback by David Blatner

What’s Liked:

  • People loved the neighbors and wanted more time to connect with each other.
  • Like the quiet and appearance of neighborhood.

Biggest concerns:

  • Houses and yards that are not well kept.
  • Aggressive dogs towards people.
  • Do a better job following and enforcing the CC&Rs.
  • Election of officers – HHCO may not have new leadership when the time comes to transition leadership. (see below for discussion).


  • More social events/block parties.
  • Community common area (pool, tennis court, community center).
  • People want to be involved, and unfortunately have conflicts sometimes.

Reviving the Halloween party is 50% say we should/should not.

Other feedback:

  • Many people want to be involved with the community but don’t always have time.
  • People want to see the budget, but they don’t come to the meeting.

David Blatner will send the budget via an email with a link to review to be more secure.

Election of HHCO board officers by David Blatner

The HHCO elects’ officers every other year, with this meeting on March 3, 2020 being an election year/night.

David Blatner discussed that the current leadership has been on for years and needs fresh leaders to keep the neighborhood and covenants going.

Dave Straughan suggested creating a nominating committee that would invite people to participate. We want to get some of the newer residents  who moved into this neighborhood who appreciate what we have here in Huntington Highlands to find interested in taking a future position on the board.

Future Board members would then have a year to work with the current officers / HHCO Board and get up to speed on processes. The nominating committee would work a year in advance to allow for time of transition vs. finding new members the weeks before the nomination year and night. Dave Straughan suggests talking with neighbors throughout the year to find interested parties.

Meeting attendees commented that this neighborhood was one of the last areas where builders did not clear cut the trees. It is a one of a kind community.

Dave Straughan and Melissa Williams have volunteered to lead a nomination committee.

David Blatner discussed the positions, 2 Co-presidents, Treasurer, Social Chair, and Secretary. An Architecture position for reviews was mentioned. Dave Straughan relayed that Architecture decisions must be done by the HHCO Board as the deciding committee according to the CC&Rs.

Election of Board officers:

Dave Straughan moved that the existing officers continue their positions for the next year.

David Blatner called to question: All in favor of the current officers holding their current positions for another term.  Attendees responded with unanimous “aye”.

New Business

  • Carol suggested we need new A boards. Discussion led that we need new overlays to attach to the current A boards.
  • Ann Lind noted that the Stop sign heading north on 184th can’t be seen very well and the tree needs to be cut back. Dave Straughan volunteered to talk to the homeowner  on the corner to trim the tree that is hindering visibility of the stop sign.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:51pm.

February 2020 Neighborhood Survey Results

We’re pleased to announce the results of our second-ever HHCO neighborhood survey. The last time we surveyed the neighborhood was 2015 (see results here).

This year A total of 27 out of the 71 homes answered the survey (38%). The results were very positive, and people clearly really enjoy living in our lovely neighborhood for its visual appeal, wide streets, and well-kept homes. However, there are some concerns about a few homes not following landscaping and other CC&R rules.

You can download the results of the survey and read people’s responses here.

2019 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting, February 26th, 2019

Carol S. called the meeting to begin at 7:46. February 26th,2019.

Carol S. welcomed neighbors to the meeting.

  • Members present:
    • Carol S. – President
    • Dave B. – Co-President
    • Susan S. – Treasurer
    • Trisha A. – Social
    • Lynn K. – Secretary
    • Anne L.
    • Melissa W.
    • Betty S.
    • Paula F.
    • Jim W.
    • Dave S.
  • Budget report:
    • Susan S. walked through the budget. Amount we are bringing forward from 2018 is $7,362.57. Adding 2019 dues of $7,000.00 (once all received) will bring total operating budget to $14,362.57. Estimated expenses are $7,660.00 leaving a remaining balance of $6,702.57.
    • Landscaping maintenance is $271.50 per month.
    • Social events will continue at current spend rate,
    • Administrative costs (postage, PO Box. Etc.)
    • Liability Insurance is 1,300 for the front entrance.
    • Reserve fund is to ensure we have minimum 600 in account.
    • Carol S. motioned for budget to be approved. David B. seconded the motion.
  • Social Event:
    • Summer Social and Holiday Party – Riley and Yuan Y. will host this year’s summer social.
    • Great Summer neighborhood party at Melissa’s. About 39 people attended.
    • Holiday Party at Paul and Chris V’s home with Santa dropping by and passing out treats. About 50 people attended this event.
    • Many of our new families are attending with their children and participating in the Huntington Highlands community events.
    • Question came up from David, should we revive the Halloween Party given the number of children who have moved into. Would they attend an early afternoon Sunday Halloween party?
      • David will create a survey and send to neighbors asking other questions
  • Welcome baskets:
    • Welcome gift baskets have been delivered to all new neighbors from the HHCO neighborhood.
    • New neighbors:Javier and Rosa S.  Henri and Susan T.  James and Sylvia H.  Steven and Nicole B.  Carson S. and Jamie J.
    • 15 children have moved in.
    • Feedback from our new neighbors are expressing fondness of the neighborhood. New neighbors come from local areas and from across the country.
    • Newest neighbor is moving into their home late February.
  • Web page and preferred subcontractors list:
    • David B. proposed we update our current subcontractors list available on the website. All agreed an update is a great idea.
    • David B. will be sending a new contact list to enable neighbors to contact each other in the case of concern (e.g. left garage open).
  • Landscaping update
    • Susan S. contracted a new landscaper in 2018 and has been happy with the results.
    • Susan raised a question on whether we should complete the remaining fencing the board did not complete due to budget limitations when the entrance and landscape was updated a few years back.
    • Susan S. or David S. will reach out to the existing contractor, Badgley to discover the overall expense.
    • The front entrance sign letters visibility was raised by Anne L. We discussed the need to adjust the signage to improve visibility of the Huntington Highlands letters.
    • Carol S. raised discussion topics and asked for other new business.
    • We have the summer social late summer then the holiday party two months later. Is there interest in a spring event in addition to or in place of the existing events?
      • David B. will add this to survey
    • Are the men interested in establishing a game night for guys? There was no interest from the attendees.
    • Ask for volunteers for: Halloween BBQ Holiday Party People interested in becoming a board member
      • David will add this to the survey
    • Thank you! Paul V. who repaired and updated our entrance lighting
    • Melissa and Bill W. for hosting the summer social
    • Chris and Paul V. for hosting our holiday party
    • Neighbor(s) who helped with the plowing of our neighborhood streets.
    • We have a HHCO Womens Bunko group that is available to join or visit as a stand-in. Bunko takes place on Wednesday’s, the last Wednesday of the month Jan – Aug, and First Wednesday Sept – Dec.
      • David will add this to the survey to join or are interested in subbing.

Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.

2018 HHCO Annual Meeting

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting, March 20, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Co-President Carol Straughan

  • Welcome and introductions.
  • Members Present:
    • David Blatner
    • Trish Albrecht
    • Melissa Williams
    • Chris Vanderwell
    • Paul Vanderwell
    • Pete Fortman
    • Jim Wahl
    • Dave Straughan
    • Betty Stack
    • John Signmar
    • Tina Schiller
    • Anne Lind
    • Susan Sodorff
    • Carol Straughan
  • Budget Report, Susan Sodorff, Treasurer
    • Passed around copies of budget report
    • Budget was approved
    • Susan noted that we are not satisfied with the company doing the lawn maintenance for the entryway and will be looking for other resources.  Discussion followed with some suggestions of companies.
    • Carol Straughan noted that the board would be requesting bids to bring the entrance lighting up to par – it isn’t working right now.  Discussion of lighting at the entrance followed. Paul Vanderwell and Pete Forman offered to take a look and see if they could determine what was wrong and if they could repair the lighting. If needed,
    • We will also get bids from electricians.
  • Social Activities Report, Trisha Albrecht
    • Summer Social hosted by Dan and Trisha Albrecht
      • Rented a ‘Jumpy house’, which was a big hit with the children. We had 18 families attend (with 13 kids). In addition Trisha led the children on a ‘treasure hunt’ in the forested area behind her yard.
      • Served heavy appetizers, wine, beer and soft drinks. Drawings were held for prizes of wine and gift certificates.
      • Melissa Williams volunteered to host the Summer Social in September – exact date to be determined.
    • Holiday party hosted by Jim and Stephanie Wahl
      • 26 families attended with 5 children.
      • Santa Dan Albrecht played the part of Santa and handed out gift bags to the children.
      • Collected and delivered 77 food items to the Maltby Food Bank.
    • Chris and Paul Vanderwell volunteered to host the Holiday Party in 2018.
      • Dave Straughan asked for suggestions on how to increase attendance at these events. Suggestions included:
      • Set date way in advance – two-month notice
      • Have an Ambassador on each cul-de-sac to contact their neighbors and personally invite them to attend.
      • Flyers on mailboxes
      • Email notifications
      • Anne Lind volunteered to be the ambassador for her cul-de-sac
      • Tina Schiller volunteered for her cul-de-sac
      • Trisha Albrecht volunteered for her cul-de-sac
      • Pete Fortman and David Blatner volunteered for their cul-de-sac
      • The Board will work on getting an ambassador for the remaining street(s) and cul-de-sac
  • Welcome Baskets – Trisha Albrecht and Pam Logsdon
    • The Welcome Baskets are filled with written material from the Chamber on our local area and state. Toys and child activity items and/or pet treats. Gift cards and items from Molbaks, See’s Candy, AMC, a local brewery, wine tastings, Minea Farms, Starbucks and a plant.
    • Baskets were delivered to the Yang family in March, Tina Schiller and John Sigmar in July and the Callen family in October.
  • Election of Officers, David Blatner
    • The election of officers occurs every other year on even numbered years. Currently the board of directors consists of 2 Co-Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary. The board has decided to add the position of Vice-President.
    • David asked if anyone would like to serve on the board for the upcoming term. There were no volunteers. The current board volunteered to serve for 2018 and 2019. Trisha Albrecht volunteered to fill the position of Vice President. The motion was made by Dave Straughan and seconded by Melissa Williams. A vote was called for and motion passed unanimously.
  • New Business
    • Discussion was brought up about creating a Google group so residents have a place to communicate directly with the neighborhood as a whole group rather than have all communications go through the co-president (Carol Straughan).
    • It was brought up that it might work to create a Facebook page for HHCO but after further discussion that idea was dropped. David Blatner will look into setting up a group – one that residents will have the option to opt out of if they don’t want to participate. It was brought up that this is a means to further efforts to foster neighborhood cohesiveness. The co-president would maintain the current email system for matters of emergency.
    • Entryway – need to fix the lettering so it is easier to read. We will contact the company that made the sign and see if they have any suggestions.
    • Wahl’s may be interested in hosting the Halloween BBQ
    • Budget will be amended accordingly for the Halloween BBQ
    • Question about whether paint colors need to be approved. Yes, unless it is the same color as the existing paint color.
    • Check out the web site http://huntingtonhighlands.org/
  • Meeting was adjourned.

2017 HHCO Annual Meeting

HHCO Annual Meeting, March 20 2017

Meeting commenced at 7:35 PM

  • Welcome & Introductions
    • Officers Present: Carol, David, Susan, and Trish
    • Community Present:
      • Sandra (moved in about 6 months ago; with Max and Star, Scott Clarke-Bandy, and Raina this past year);
      • Kristin Keeler (and Rick, and 2 girls; moved in 11 months ago)
      • Laura Ullman
      • Jim Wahl
      • Pete Fortman
      • Greg Guillen
      • Betty Stack
      • Dave Straughan
      • Susan Anderson
      • Reiley Yang (1 daughter; moved here about 3 months ago)
      • Anne Lind
  • Reports
    • Budget — Susan Sodorff
      • Before expenses, about $12K
      • Expenses of about $7760
      • After expenses, about $4800
    • Entrance update — Carol
      • Get the electrical lighting fixed; maybe go solar?
      • Suggestions for landscape electricians
      • May be looking for new gardening/landscaping maintenance; suggestions from the community?
    • Social
      • Summer Social — Trisha
        • It was at Trisha and Dan’s house; had about 15 families.
        • We’d like to do something in 2017 that includes more families with kids.
      • Ladies Holiday Party — Carol
        • Hosted by Lynn Kepl; 14 families came
        • Had a fun florist come to run a project
      • Welcome Baskets — Trisha
        • Three new families in neighborhood; lovely baskets for each family.
      • Digital Neighborhoods — David
        • Web site
        • Google groups
        • com
  • Other Business
    • Anne Lind: too much standing water in the yard; suggestions were made for how to stake trees
    • Sandra asked about Owner will Maintain signs

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm


2016 HHCO Annual Meeting

2016 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – February 29, 2016



  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan Co -president
    • David Blatner – Co- president
    • Trisha Albrecht – New Neighbor Outreach/Welcome
    • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
    • Lynn Kepl – Secretary
  • Community attendees:
    • Liz Storey
    • Jim Wahl
    • Dan and Trisha Albrecht
    • Laura Ullman
    • Pete Portman
    • Mike and Anne Lund
    • Elaine and Tom Pool
    • Susan Anderson
    • Pat Moore
    • Betty Stack
    • Jennifer and Matt Johnson
    • Dave Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:35 PM

1. Introductions and welcome – Carol Straughan

  • Carol welcomed Trisha Albrecht to the HHCO Board of Directors.
  • Also introduced and welcomed new residents Raiford & Liz Storey and Jim & Stefanie Wahl
  • Self-introductions were made by community attendees (attendees noted above)

2. Budget report – Susan Sodorff

  • Current Entrance Maintenance and Signage cost is $1,200. The minimal landscaping done by a non-professional is not keeping the new entrance to the aesthetic we would like. The HHCO board will review bids for proper Landscaping company and expect the cost to raise significantly (~X2).
  • The birch trees are either dead or in bad shape. Two trees are dead on one side, one on the other.
  • May add the final panel on each side (as you enter Huntington Highlands) pending available funds after the landscaping is refurbished.

3. Blog page – David Blatner

  • Encourage people to use it –  HuntingtonHighlands.org
  • CC&Rs, Annual association notes
  • Services / contractors are listed.
  • Interactive Map: click on the house and you can send that owner an email with email address kept private.
  • There was an ask to start an email distribution list. Is there anyone interested in creating this (Google groups…). David will look into “Woodinville neighbors” and Google groups; Liz volunteered to assist.
  • David mentioned that the results of blog survey conducted early in 2015 is also posted on the blog.

4. Entryway update – Susan Sodorff

  • The HHCO board will leverage the remaining working balance in 2016 to replace the birch trees  and needed shrubs (or possible alternative). Due to the warm summer some of the trees/shrubs did not survive.

5. Report on Social Activities – Trisha Albrecht

  • Summer Social:
    • Held at Trish’s home in the backyard this summer. Many attended including kids. There were games for kids, heavy appetizers and beverages served. Would like to have more frequent though summer seems to be the best time.
    • David suggested one in the Spring.
  • Ladies Holiday Decorating Event – Carol Straughan
    • Issaquah Countryside Floral and Garden owner Jon Thorne was guest speaker. Topic was on creating holiday decorations.
    • 16 families attend and guest.
    • One former resident.
    • Gave away 13 demonstration pieces.
    • Held in November which everyone liked having earlier in the season.

6. ‘New Neighbor’ Welcome Basket – Trisha Albrecht

  • Trisha Albrecht and Pam Logsdon chair this project
  • Trisha described what was in the baskets – wine, wine tasting, Molbak’s gift certificate, items for the kids (age appropriate) CC&Rs and information on the Website.
  • Stephanie and Jim were the first to receive, then Liz and Rayford.

7. Election of Officers – David Blatner

  • David summarized the positions that are available for the next 2 years. Co -presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary. (Social Director just filled – Trisha Albrecht). He asked for nominations or volunteers; with no response.
  • Current officers will serve the next term.

8. New Business:

  • Carol Straughan reported that Matt Hart is working with three lawn care companies to develop a group discount price for moss control/aerating/thatching. We hope to have final prices by next week.
  • Culverts and Islands. Mike Lind asked how the board felt about upkeep of the culverts and islands. The culverts are property of the homeowner and the county.  The CC&Rs state that the Islands are to be maintained by the cul-de-sac homeowners.
  • Liz Storey asked about Comcast van’s parking and disturbing the lawn by mailboxes. It was discussed that the lawn is homeowner’s to maintain.

Meeting adjourned.

2015 HHCO Annual Meeting

2015 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – February 23rd, 2015



  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan
    • David Blatner
    • Jeannie Marcil
    • Susan Sodorff
    • Lynn Kepl
  • Community attendees:
    • Robin and David Hutchinson.
    • Melissa Williams
    • Susan Anderson
    • Betty stack
    • Greg Guillen
    • Dave Straughan
    • Anne Lind

Meeting Start: 7:28

1. Welcome – Carol Straughan

  • Introductions
  • Sign-in and check your email address
  • Need volunteers for officers for upcoming year (2016)

2. Paint approval committee.
We have a volunteer to lead the Paint Approval committee to help the community.

3. Welcome to Neighborhood committee.
The Linds have offered to revamp the welcome packet and execution of welcoming new neighbors. As FYI, the city no longer provides new residents notification to HHCO. Any neighbors wanting to serve on those committees please reach out to her.

4. Blog page update – David Blatner.
HHCO Website – no more password! Members no longer need a password to see the Blog. HHCO would like to see increased use and believe no password will help. We have had no spam and no corresponding links to anything on our site per David. Residents will remain anonymous.

5. Contractors
Please send contractor recommendations to board@huntingtonhighlands.org for inclusion on our preferred contractors list to be refreshed on our web-site by David.

6. HHCO Survey of residents.
A Survey will be sent in March to help inform board what is important to the community.

7. Treasurer’s report – Susan Sodorff.
Susan provided hard copies of the budget to review in session. Currently a $2,700 balance forward with estimated expenses that will maintain $1,200 social, $1,000 admin fees, $200 and $700 lawyer if needed. Insurance for the board is $1200 year leaving a reserve is 600. With all expenses we will be 4700 positive moving into the next year.

8. Report on social activities– Jeannie Marcil

  • Ladies Holiday Décor party had a good turn-out 16 ladies attended
  • Possibly do an event next year that includes husbands
  • Halloween BBQ – was not held the in 2014
  • Upcoming Events and needs:
    • Summer social – Board planning to host this event again this summer
    • Looking for social ideas for the neighborhood. Jeannie gave review of past events. Looking for anyone who is interested in joining social committee to plan small events that community can participate in with busy schedules today yet keeping the in touch.
    • Halloween, needs a sponsor for 2015. We really missed this this year.
    • Keep having Social Hour to build and foster our community. Any volunteers should email Jeannie.
    • Additional Ideas or input please send to Jeannie.

9. Review of meeting minutes from 2014 – Lynn Kepl
Lynn provided a summary of what the board accomplished last year; entryway completion, finished sign and fine-tuned electrical/lighting, etc.

10. Items for discussion:
Front Entry Landscape: The Board is in search for a new landscaping/pruning service for the front entry. If anyone would like to volunteer to take on the front entry maintenance to keep it in great shape, please volunteer to Susan Sodorff. Keep/continue with low maintenance perennials, add mulching to keep weeds down.

11. Remarks from home owners

  • General agreement that 4th of July in our community is Anti-fireworks. King County advises as well.
  • Betty: Add a caution to the newsletter about larger fireworks. Will be a dry summer.
  • Lynn to send Susan her Landscape contact. Current cost is per Susan’s $78 an hour.
  • Neighbors would like to be able to send an email to all neighbors, we are looking for objections to this.
  • A new idea was offered – emergency preparedness event.
  • Melissa offered to help with summer social.

Meeting adjourned

February 2015 Neighborhood Survey Results

For the first time ever, the HHCO surveyed our neighborhood, and we learned some wonderful things. A total of 26 out of the 71 homes answered the survey (37%), which is a good response for our first-ever attempt.

One interesting piece of data was that 50% of families enter and exit Huntington Highlands driving through our “official” entrance on 184th Place (where our entrance gate and sign are). The other 50% enter from other roads.

More than anything, the survey showed that people overwhelmingly like our community and want it to be more… neighborly! That said, people’s primary concerns appear to be around: crime, loud dogs, and home/garden upkeep.

Some personal comments include:

  • “Develop a way to encourage all residents to maintain their properties with general home and yard upkeep.”
  • “It’s beautiful, safe and relaxing. Lots of trees and no fences”
  • “Great walking neighborhood, friendly, pretty quiet, well kept up.”

You can download the results of the survey and read people’s responses here.


2014 HHCO Annual Meeting

2014 Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Annual Meeting – March 10th, 2014


  • Board members:
    • Carol Straughan Co -president
    • David Blatner – Co- president
    • Jeanne Marcil – Social
    • Susan Sodorff – Treasurer
    • Lynn Kepl – Secretary
  • Community attendees:
    • Tom and Elaine Pool
    • Robin Godfrey
    • Rowan and Jan Clark
    • Jennifer and Matt Johnson
    • Pam Logsdon
    • Betty Stack
    • Pete and Margie Fortman
    • Dave Straughan

Meeting commenced at 7:18 PM

Welcome by Carol Straughan

Budget Presentation – Susan Sodorff

  • 2013 Balance Forward $1383
  • Collecting dues for 2014 $6900, which brings us to total $8283
    • Entrance Mowing, Maintenance, $1000
    • Entrance signage lettering, $2300
    • Social events, $1000
    • Administration fees $200
    • Lawyer funds in reserve in the event the board needs council $700
    • Home owners association insurance $1100
    • Reserve is $600.
  • Total Expenses are $6900
  • Remaining Balance is $1383

Entrance Update – Dave Straughan

  • How many households – 71 homes (69 pay dues) as now both sides of the entrance pay for electrical and water.
  • Dave was the originator of bid generation and managed the work done. Thank you to David for making our community look fabulous!
    • The bid the board decided upon was under 8k from the other bids. The firm did not charge us overages and everything turned out as expected.
    • The board agreed to hold off on lettering to put funds available into the entrance. The lettering will be done in 2014 with this year’s dues.
    • Bids on lettering were for brass lettering ($2300) to acrylic. The board will likely select brushed aluminum with gold tone to save costs. Or painted acrylic however the brass and acrylic do not wear as well.
    • Board believes we will select brushed aluminum is in the middle cost and about $1800.
    • The board opted for low maintenance plants.
    • If there are funds available at the end of year the board will invest in up-lights on the remaining trees in the entrance and one additional length of fence on each side. Or, will wait until 2015 funds are available.
    • The trees in the entrance will grow rapidly after 2 years planting (filling out).
    • We now have a classy, low maintenance entrance.
  • We need to have someone spray and moss out the walkway. Rowan volunteered to get rid of the moss, will bill the HHCO board for the product used.

Contractor list will have the masonry and the landscaper added and are listed below.

  • Masonry: Ward & Sons, 206.579.5919
  • Landscape: Badgley’s landscape, 425.486.6290
  • Mole control: Taliprid – worms for mole holes/moles can be found on the internet

Insurance – David Blatner
The board has decided to pursue Insurance for HHCO association and the Board. The intent is to protect the entrance and assets of the community. The board should also have insurance therefore the board felt we need to invest to protect the board. Insurance will cover liability for common property such as entrance and rounds. Cost is about $1100 a year through State Farm insurance.

Blog page/Website – David Blatner
Last year we took off the password protection as no one could remember it. The URL: HuntingtonHighlands.org

  • Recommended contractor services are listed on the site
  • There is a map with the ability to email neighbors based on the property physical location
  • David will start an all HHCO mailing list with google groups and let the HHCO households know how to use it. If households do not want to their name on the distribution list, they can unsubscribe
  • David will publish guidelines / rules when this is offered such that we omit marketing and non HHCO related email/publishings

Social Events – Jeannie Marcil

  • Thank you to Lynn Kepl for hosting our Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange.
  • Volunteers for next year’s events?
    • Garage sale- last week of May or any-time. Looking for volunteers.
    • Halloween BBQ – last year was the first year since Highlands Community began that we did not host a Halloween parade and party. The board is looking for volunteer to host their garage for the party. HHCO Association pays for food setup etc.
    • Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange needs a volunteer to host one of the first weeks in December. Please let Jeannie know if you would like to host.
    • Mid-summer wine & appetizer social hour will be hosted again by Carol and Dave Straughan.

Elections of officers

  • Carol opened up the floor for nominations or volunteers to take positions on the board.
  • Board does not require a large time commitment and consists of reviewing and approving remodels, roofing, paint colors etc..
  • A reminder to the community that all exterior work to your home must be submitted to the HHCO Board for approval.
  • A motion was made to re-nominate the existing board by David Straughan and seconded by Margie Fortman.

Opened the floor for new business:

  • Lawn care is still available to do thatching, plugging and seeding. For information, contact: Karl Ramsay, Alpine Land Care, 206-683-5189 Karl@alpinelandcare.com
  • Garbage Cans: Attendees commented that they appreciate the note sent out reminding neighbors to keep their garbage cans out of sight from the street. Please let the board know if there are repeat offenders and the board will follow up with households that are not cooperating.
  • Paint Colors: How does the board approve paint colors? Was asked. We use criteria of “northwest colors”. The board was asked to consider stronger criteria to how the board approves paint colors. Natural /Neutral colors are preferred. Suggested the board ensures they receive paint chips in the board submission for approval as colors are difficult to view when presented digitally in email.
  • Attendees indicated they feel they are lucky to live in this neighborhood, well-kept and in line with what the neighborhood is known for and likes the idea of the board being tougher on approvals.
  • The board indicated they are open to a paint committee to help set easier color selection guidelines and pre-board review. Please contact Carol Straughan if you are interested in joining a paint committee.
  • Exterior Paint/Up-keep: Question was asked about homes that are un-kept and require painting to be in keeping with the look of our well maintained neighborhood. The board will reach out to home owners as issues arise.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25