Neighborhood Fencing

The board has been asked recently to clarify the HHCO position on fencing in the neighborhood.

Here is a list of fencing guidelines:

  • Note that fencing of any kind is discouraged because we consider Huntington Highlands a ‘greenbelt’ community, and we prefer landscaping over hardscaping.
  • For pet control, we strongly urge residents to use electronic ‘invisible fencing.’
  • All fencing requests must be submitted to the HHCO Board of Directors in written form with a to-scale diagram of the property and the proposed fence.
  • The HHCO has 30 days in which to respond to the fencing proposal.
  • In general, the fencing proposal must meet the following conditions:
    • Fencing is not allowed in the front portion of the property. Fencing visible from the street will be kept to a minimum.
    • The fence must be no closer than 10 feet to your property line and no taller than 6 feet.
    • If the neighbors request it, landscaping between the property line and the fence may be required.
    • The HHCO board must approve fencing material.
  • Note that historical precedent or existing fencing will not necessarily be taken into account when the board makes a decision. Each project is decided upon individually.

Thank you.

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