Declutter Your Life: HH Garage Sale!

The New Buzz Phrase

Go through your closets, your drawers, your garage and your home office and purge what you don’t need and no longer use. Tossing things we don’t need can free up more than closet space.

Huntington Highlands Garage Sale
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Open 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

There will be an ad in the Woodinville Weekly and the Seattle Times on line. Fill up your own driveway/garage, or join in with some neighbors to create a full driveway of gems to sell.

Please respond with your commitment and we will put balloons up by your driveway the day of the neighborhood garage sale. We will be putting up signs, directing traffic to our neighborhood and the balloons will designate which houses to stop and shop!

Start cleaning out now and by May 15th, your collection of goods will be complete and your house will have so much more space!!

Please contact Jeannie Marcil at 425-788-2963 if you would like to participate and balloons will appear in front of your driveway on Saturday, May 15th.

2010 Annual Community Meeting Minutes

Huntington Highlands Community Organization
Meeting Minutes Jan. 28, 2010

  1. Self introductions – 22 people attended, representing 16 HHCO residences
  2. Elections of officers
    • Asked if people would like to co-serve
    • Dan Albrecht moved to re-elect the current officers, who had all agreed to serve again.
    • Melissa Williams seconded
    • All approved
  3. Budget report
    • Treasurer was absent from meeting but had prepared the budget report.
    • Jeannie Marcil read the budget report.
  4. Entrance sign
    • Work to start on getting bids and design;
    • Design to be traditional
    • Time line – start planning and bidding
    • Linda Becher suggests cleaning fence now. Linda will lead effort to work with Randy (entrance maintenance person) to see if cleaning is feasible and what it would cost.
    • Carol Straughan suggested she and Susan Sodorff assist Linda in meeting/working with Randy.
    • David Blatner more interested in secondary entrances and the monuments proposed for those.
    • Pam Logsdon commented on how the main entrance really defines the neighborhood.
    • Someone needs to check with the county to see what will be allowed as far as new monuments.
    • When entrance sign designs are available, David Blatner will put them on the web page.
  5. Mail box Shed update
    • All were repaired, primed, painted and new asphalt roofing installed.  Job well done.
  6. Security
    • Ask if you can help
    • Take a picture with your cell phone.
    • Look out for your neighbors
  7. Social events
    • Halloween thank you to Larry and Linda Becher
    • Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange thank you to Trisha Albrecht
    • Laura Ullman has volunteered to host the Gift Exchange next year.
  8. Garage Sale
    • Jeannie Marcil offered to spearhead organizing an HHCO sponsored garage sale this May.
  9. Web site presentation by David Blatner
    • Notification once a month would be sufficient
    • Would like to add a ‘Want Ads’ type feature
  10. Other Business

Meeting was adjourned.

In attendance:

Matt Hart, Bryan Bouwman, Jeanne Marcil, Mike Summitt, Tu Tran, Tammy and Terry Lally, Trisha and Dan Albrecht,  Melissa and Bill Williams, Susan P. Anderson, Elaine and Tom Pool, Lynda and Larry Becher,  David Blatner,  Laura Ullman, Brenae Brix, Pam Logsdon, Carol and Dave Straughan

Please Vote in the Feb 8 Levy!

Please remember to send in your ballots for the school and library levies. There are three measures measure to support technology, on-going work in classrooms and long term facilities and operations.

From neighbor Debbie Carlson:

Our schools went through gruelling cuts last year…it would be devastating to area public schools if these measures do not pass.

The deadline for sending in the ballots, which are being handled entirely by mail-in, is Februrary 9.

The consequences of the levy and bond measures not passing will be dire for the North Shore School district, especially when combined with expected cuts in education from the state. As we all know, strong schools help make for a strong property values.

For more information, you can direct people to the district website:

Annual Meeting, Jan 28!

The annual meeting of the HHCO will be held January 28th at 7:30 pm at the Straughan residence – 18430 NE 194th Street. The agenda will include: election of officers; budget review; entrance renovation update; mailbox shed improvement summary; discussion of social events and safety concerns; web site development; other discussion. The HHCO Board looks forward to seeing you and getting your input on our neighborhood.

Halloween a Success!

Lynda and Larry Becher once again hosted the Halloween BBQ. We had lots of residents stop in and visit while enjoying a bowl of chili, hot dogs and hot cider before the ‘trick or treating’ began. Thanks so much to the Bechers for continuing to support the Huntington Highlands Community Organization so that we can have this fun evening. The portable fire-bowl in the driveway was an extremely nice touch!

(Sorry, this is actually a photo from 2008… we’ll get some newer photos soon.)

Ladies Holiday Gift Exchange

The Ladies Holiday Gift exchange was a delightful evening. We had about twenty neighbor ladies join in for a fun-filled evening of great food and the ever-exciting gift exchange. Trisha Albrecht was our hostess and her home looked so lovely all decked out for the season. Thank you Trisha, for a great holiday get-together.

Laura Ullman has volunteered to host the Ladies Holiday Gift exchange in 2010!